Cat death

I've only seen this film once and recall a scene where a cat gets shot with an arrow which was quite disturbing as there is a shot right after with the cat in the ground with an arrow sticking out if it and the way the cat jerks and opens its mouth looked horribly real as if it was genuinely in distress and pain so just wondering if they actually killed a cat?

It was the early 60's do I doubt much animal welfare was in place on film sets and I honestly can't bring myself to watch the film again which is a shame.

I'm not usually squeamish, I'm a big strong guy but animals are my weakness and I hate to see anything in pain.

If anyone could tell me if it is real or fake I might be able to watch & enjoy the film again.



I actually wondered the same thing when I recently saw part 1.
I've been trying to find info about this on the internet, but haven't been able to.

But the cat was revered and seen as a lucky symbol in Japan, so rationally they shouldn't kill a cat for a movie even back in the 60s. But maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part...
