MovieChat Forums > Stir of Echoes (1999) Discussion > I liked it better than Sixth Sense

I liked it better than Sixth Sense

Although S.S. got most of the attention (I seem to remember they came out around the same time, or at least very close), but I thought Echoes had more of a story, character development, etc. whereas Sixth Sense was basically one thing, with a twist at the end. Like it was trying to be a feature length Twilight Zone episode.


I agree. But since The Sixth Sense" came out first, you know that it got all of the press, especially because of the twist ending, and this movie was considered the "copy" of it. But SOE was actually a better movie, in my opinion.

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me 2


I had NO IDEA what I was getting into when I saw this when it came out... I LOVED this movie, even now, more than 10 years later, I still love it. I love the scene of KB digging in the backyard. Awesome.


I LOVED Sixth Sense but I loved this film even more, it's creepier to be honest. Even the way Samantha walks is uber creepy.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


So do I, I always recommend this film


Agreed! This is far superior to The Sixth Sense and unfortunately it was just overlooked and overshadowed because of the huge twist in the other film. Problem is that without the twist SS is not that good.

This was simply some of Kevin Bacon's absolute best acting, too. The entire scene where he is digging and going off on the wife about everything. Freaking awesome!

"It's Minnie Pearl's murder weapon."


I have yet to see The Sixth Sense though do have it ready to go so will watch it one day.
And Stir of Echoes was an all right film I gave it a 5 out of 10 it was on some channel called TCM not so long back.


Stir is better in every single way one thing can be better than another.


Me as well. Way better actually.


I was more entertained by Stir of Echoes. Sixth Sense had that great twist at the end where I went "Oh"....but I admit that it was kind of boring at certain times until the ending redeemed it and you're left with that lasting memory going out of the theater... like a basketball game which is boring for the first 3 1/2 quarters and then suddenly has a dramatic finish. I caught this one the second time around and I think it's an under rated gem. The scenes with the babysitter was pretty exciting, where she's like what did you say...and then later Kevin BAcon confronting her at the train station. And also the ending (spoilers) where the father and his kid knew Kevin Bacon knew...and there's this tense conversation before they try to kill him.


People are saying that this was better than the Sixth Sense? LOL

There isn't even a comparison. Stir of Echoes was hackneyed, trite, predictable and cliched. The plot was almost nonsensical.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


Nonsensical plot? You mean like a dead psychiatrist's spirit unable to realize he's dead but still he's 'mentally' stable and capable enough to psychoanalize a child that he was randomly assigned to him -by who?- as a patient -ghost file mechanographied on ghost paper and all? Who watches indifferently while the poor mother of said patient gets acused by doctors of physically abusing her child -without the audience questioning themselves about how *beep* contrived the whole scenario and the way it's developed is, apparently? That nonsensical? Uhm. Let me think about it



And this post proves you weren't paying attention while watching the film (or lack the imagination/deductive skills to figure it out). There is literally a line of dialogue that explains this entire plot point ya dingus.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


I went to see SS and figured out the big secret about 10 minutes into the movie, then got bored waiting for a plot to start. So much about that movie depended on the big twist, and without it, or once you figured it out, there wasn't much there.

STIR OF ECHOES is well-acted and thrilling; it actually has a plot! And it lacks Shyamalan's ponderous pompousness by just telling an exciting story and not trying to pretend it's about something bigger and significant.

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