Swimming hole scene

I was just watching the scene at the swimming hole again. It looked like a beautiful day, and a beautiful river or creek. So why did it appear that no one played in the water? The girls were just sunning themselves on inner tubes and the guys just sat on the overlooking cliff, but as far as I could tell, no one even got wet.


cuz the river was infested with vicious alligators


zebra mussels.

nobody wanted to get their feet all sliced up.
"I don't make monkeys, I just train 'em" - Pee Wee's Big Adventure.


I'll tell you this movie was filmed Utah, and I don't know where that scene was filmed but I can speculate, and most likely no one was in that water cause the water here in the mountains is to freaking cold all year long, all the streams are runoff, so it's melting snow.

"nobody writes TV shows about us or calls us Mcdreamy, Mcsteamy or Mcmuffin"


Plot device.

All that talking was a lot easier to film with everyone sitting down in groups, whether on the water or on the rocks.

Diz says I'm in love with you.
P.S. He's right.




Um because they were acting like popular pretty boy and pretty girl teens. They want to be seen that's it. The girls didn't want to get wet and mess up their look and the boys the same. Duh.
