The book was definitely one of the best I've ever read, so when I saw the movie, I just hung my head in shame for even being there.


I totally agree. I read the book years ago (along with all of Cathy Cash Spellman's other books), and about died when I heard they were finally making one into a movie. The movie totally sucked, the book was a million times better. What a waste!


A waste is right... I couldn't wait for the movie to come out, and it's too bad because it could have been done so much better if they hadn't WHOLE THING!


aww really? I'm sorry. That's too bad. lol I played Cody. It was fun filming it, and it got my brother started up(yayy) so it's not a COMPLETE hehe..


I didn't read the book - so I don't know how the movie compares, but if you really are Miss Coleman, may I say that you were quite good in this movie.
I haven't seen anything with your brother yet, but best of luck to you both - I'm sure that you have bright futures in front of you ;-)



I haven't read the book, but I agree that no movie can compare to the books they were based on, take the most recent HP book, my friend thought it was good, and he had never read the book, but that was TOTALLY different than what I read, and they took out whole chapters.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!


I agree, and I'm fully aware of the "separateness", but according to the credits, the author of the book either helped write the screenplay or was a consultant. I was confused at the way she let so many changes happen.... why write the book the way she did if she just was going to change the movie?

Ring the bell, close the book, quench the candle.
