Crackerjack Police Work

The police in this film were some of the worst police EVER.

I mean half a dozen children are killed in a cult like method and a girl who is the same age and has the exact same birth date is abducted by a cult like organization and it barely turns a head. Then the guardian of the child who was abducted has a conversation with a young woman about the cult being F'ing insane AND sees a her murdered and the cops response is "Well we didn't find a body so it must just be your concussion."

I don't have a degree in criminology or anything but I think I might start connecting the dots.


Also, don't forget the highway cop who was angry at Maggie and asked her to give him her keys before being run over by the evil cult's car. If he had just taken the time to assess her actions when she drove in front of him, he would've figured out that something was pretty wrong before he had walked up to her window.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger
