To whom want it cancelled

Well, I think it's cancelled, and if so, is a sham. I loved the show, and wish it still continued.

If you didn't like the show and go on about cancelling it....instead of complaining about it not getting cancelled, why do what I do when I find a show no longer funny, or in some cases, never funny, and just bloody hell not watch it. If you don't like the show, don't watch it. No one is forcing the show on you, or making you watch it...or even it's the only dang show on TV.

I don't understand why people have to complain like that. I found Air Farce less funny since they added a ton of unfunny comedians with even unfunnier characters. Did I go online and on message boards and complain and ask them to cancel it? No, I just did something logical....and just found something else to watch. Same for the cartoon King of the Hill, which I grew to hate with a passion, and yes, I wished it was cancelled at the time, and annoyed me...but again, I just turned it to something else and never watch again.

So really...if you don't like a show, grow up and stop complaining on how it's not being cancelled, just because you don't like it. If you really are that livid and unhappy, take that time you spent writing those umpteen posts on message boards and write a polite letter to the studio or whomever runs the show you are bitching about, and tell them that you don't feel it's funny and should cancel the series. Not saying it would do anything....but really, how is complaining to the world wide web going to accomplish more? And I don't mean writing posts that you dislike a show, I mean ranting repeatedly on how it should be cancelled, just because it doesn't appeal to you.

Like I said, I don't like King of the Hill, but there were fans, so me asking to cancel it would be selfish, because I would be asking them to cancel a show based on my dislike for it, and for them to ignore the fans the show still had.

So, if you don't like a show, just turn the channel or do something else. I liked 22 minutes, because it's just silly and goofy, and not meant to be analyzed...not a show to think hard over...just let loose and let them be as they be.

