Be More Affectionate?

I hated when Mai told Nina (Sanaa) to be more affectionate to her brother.
I was like WTF?She wasn't exactly all touchy feely with her husband.
I hate when people feel free to make comments like that to couples in
general anyway.What do they do, observe you and then deem that you aren't
touchy feely enough? Geesh!

Other than that scene,I liked the movie,but I won't be watching it again.It's one of those movies when you see it once,thats enough.


I agree; It seemed as though the sister was or tried to be really controlling with her own husband.


Yeah, I always thought was sort of a weak part of the script. I mean, Nina was 10 times as affectionate with Dwayne as Mai was with her husband. I think Dwayne's conflict about marrying Nina could have been a bit more developed in the script but overall, I LOVE this movie.

Baba mi Ogun modupue



i just watched this movie in my african american studies class and i hated it. i could find nothing i enjoyed about it.
