MovieChat Forums > Trick (1999) Discussion > IT BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR NNNNSSS!!!!!


For those of you who saw the know what I'm talking about. That was the FUNNIEST line in the whole film. My boyfriend and I laughed SO hard and kept rewinding it watching it over and over again. DID YOU EVER GET C_M IN YOUR EYE??? IT BURRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSS!!!!

Loved the film, too. It was a lot better than I expected. Definitely a keeper.

No, no..."cruelty." I always think that has a nobler ring to it.


Terrible stereotyping movie.


Yes it was along with many gay movies of the 90's. You can scroll back in these threads and see where I was 'burned' for saying so. I got very tired of seeing gay characters dying from AIDS and phucking/sucking randomly like animals in some club alley while the music blared on. No doubt there will always be the 'Queer As Folk', 'Will & Grace' set, but as "Brokeback Mountain" recently illustrated, there is more to us than just that.


Please. Get over yourself. Queens like you are why all of us look like whiny drama whores. If straight people can have shallow sex comedies, so can gay people. We're not somehow ABOVE straights just because we suck C0ck, people. Try and enjoy the film for what it is, a funny, campy, sweet comedy about a gay boy looking for sex and finding something better.


reply have no idea who you are talking to. In a manly contest with me, I'm betting you'd be the little beetch. Obviously, you don't have a mind large enough to reach out of your small box and demand movies that don't insult our collective gay intelligence and portray stereotypes. It's a poorly made, demeaning, tired gay "sex comedy", as you put it. If you enjoyed it so much and you think it's the best of its genre', than more is the pity for you.

"...and don't call on Him to save you from your social graces and the sins you wish to waive"


Oh please, let's not start a "My d***'s bigger than yours!" contest, because I think we'd both come up far shorter than we'd like to admit, fella. And trust me when I tell you, I'm NOBODIES bitch, least of to a bitter queen acting tough on the internet.

I get so tired of all these gay guys expecting EVERY gay film to be on par with...I don't know, "Angels in America", "Bent" or "Longtime Companion". All good films in their own way, NONE even remotely comparable to "Trick", to their benefit.

And that's FINE.

This was American Pie for us queers, not meant to be anything more than a cute, silly sex romp.

Not meant to be "Art", not meant to be groundbreaking, just meant to be fun.

If YOU don't have the sense of humor to accept it for what it is, why are you here, other than to be a bitter old queen with a chip on your shoulder the size of Judy Garland's substance abuse problem...?


You know, that last post of mine was at an uncalled for level of catty. You didn't like the film, I did. You say you don't like it because "I got very tired of seeing gay characters dying from AIDS and *beep* randomly like animals in some club alley while the music blared on. No doubt there will always be the 'Queer As Folk', 'Will & Grace' set, but as "Brokeback Mountain" recently illustrated, there is more to us than just that."

OK, let's break it down:

- gay characters dying from AIDS: Nope, none here.

- *beep* randomly like animals in some club alley while the music blared on: Nope, none here either, beyond peripheral characters who ultimately are meaningless and SHOWN to be meaningless, shallow people.

What DO we have in this film?

- Gay boys intending to , as you put it, *beep* in an alley" finding out that it's far better to get to know one another and look for something more than a shallow hook up. Good message for ANY audience, gay or straight.

- A portrayal of an older, overweight couple as funny but not solely for comic relief who find happiness together, despite the stereotypical gay obsession with youth and smooth muscle. Another positive image, considering how often the "Older, heavier gay man" is portrayed as a lecherous troll or a laughing stock in gay media.

- The fag-hag relationship portrayed as properly and deliciously disfunctional from the get-go. Lets face it, fag-hags, while wonderful, are often a little messed up, otherwise, why do they hang out with men they'll never have a chance at bedding/marrying?

So, see...nothing about what you hate, but several positive aspects to like.

So it's not Brokeback Mountain. Thank GOD. That movie bored me to TEARS. Talk about over-rated...

But guess what? That's MY opinion. And the opinuion of many other gay folk I know. But you have the right to like it, and I'm not gonna disparage you for liking it.

How about the same courtesy extended to those of us who liked Trick, huh?


To tell ya the truth, in regards to the post before this, I didn't read it because I knew it would be ten varieties of catty piss. For that reason, I assumed that this post would be more congenial. In any event, I'm not bothering to read the one before this.

The trouble with your present argument is simple: Only comment on "Trick" if one has positives to say about it, otherwise hold your tongue. What a dull and oppressive world this would be if I let people like you, tell me what movies to like and what the gay community is all about. Didn't like BB....well, I'd be willing that was based mostly on the fact that you never pitched a bale of hay, know absolutely nothing about sheep and never have ridden a horse....or even lived in the incredibly homophobic environs, that Small Town America still offers. If you couldn't empathize with those characters, or you felt nothing but boredom watching BB, then your heart is as broken and cold as they come. However, that's nothing new in the trendy environs of gay city communities, or the baggage that they tote around from relationship to relationship.

And certainly you have the right to express that over on any BB forum you choose. So....if you loved "Trick" and those characters represent the kind of people you hang with (past & present) great.....and equally great that I do not.

"Trick" was trite, contrived, tired and offered absolutely nothing new in the way of gay themed movies of this genre'....if anything, it borrowed heavily from past "shallow" (your words) flicks of the same ilk. And yeah, that's MY opinion.

"...and don't call on Him to save you from your social graces and the sins you wish to waive"


I, in fact, have never baled hay, ridden a horse, or kicked *beep* as the saying goes, nor do I give two *beep* about sheep beyond how good they taste and how warm their wool is.

Doesn't mean I can't enjoy a Western.

I was also not born in a big metropolitan city with a bunch of silly-nancy friends. I grew up on several different military bases around the world and thanks to that, can pass for straight so well that barely a week goes by without a female co-worker hitting on me, and that even WITH workplace gossip being what it is. If you wanna talk about bigotry and oppression against gays, try a military base in the 70's and 80''s not small town religious-nut-run America, but it is certainly far from accepting and loving to diversity.

As to Brokeback, I appreciated the beauty of the scenery, the strength of the acting, and the emotional reality of the characters, who I DID empathize with.

That said, it still bored me. It was over-long, full of its own significance, and just...not that great a movie. In MY opinion.

And your assumption that I 'loved' "Trick" is flat out wrong. I didn't LOVE it. I enjoyed it. The same way I enjoyed "Another Gay Movie". The same way I enjoyed "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle". The same way I enjoyed "Porkies", "Revenge of the Nerds", "Van Wilder", and other movies. I enjoyed them as silly little comedies that don't need to be anything but silly little comedies.

I never said you don't have the right to express your opinions, either, simply that you don't have the right to said expression free from retort or criticism.

And my first point still remains. Not every movie involving gay men needs to be "Brokeback Mountain", "Love, Valor, Compassion!", "Bent", or "Angels in America". Those movies have their place, and are a blessing to find for what they are. Silly, campy rom-coms have their place too, though.

In my earlier post - which you so loftily refused to read - I lowered myself by attacking you personally, and that is something that should never be done. Of course, I did so after YOU first attacked ME and my 'masculinity' or whatever you were trying to say there, but that's neither here nor there. And here again, in this latest post, you lower yourself to baseless assumptions and insults, lending credence to my original theory which was not directed solely at you, but at all the bitter queens in the world who seem incapable of developing a sense of humor about being gay or human...but there I go, debasing myself by falling back on insults.

What say we agree to disagree, and you go your way, I go mine, and ne'er the twain shall meet again, huh?


I think in all honesty, you're calling the kettle black. You accused me 'originally' as being representative of complaining/bitter "queens" everywhere. How you can consider that 'not personal', is beyond me. After that, you deserved any debasement that you received. And you lowered yourself quite admirably, although I'll have to take your word for it, because I'm not going to bother reading your pissing post.

The example you gave:"Love, Valor, Compassion!" was the biggest piece of pretensions acting crap I've ever seen. George Costanza as a Tinker Bell???? I think not. I actually liked "Bent"....some. "Angels in America" was the perfect examples of Hollywood types feeling that they have to make movies of great 'social importance/significance'. It was pretentious and overblown....limping around from the middle to the end like a shotgunned duck. However, there was enough significant content/issues contained within, that it's worth a viewing at some point.

"Harold and Kumar go to White Castle"-How much pot can you smoke in a movie (?); enough so that you have real political aspirations, I suppose.

"Another Gay Movie"-A farce, but sweetly so.

"Porkies"-Come on, be real, it was strictly for all the young naked dudes.

"Revenge of the Nerds"-Never have seen that one.

"Van Wilder"-Yeah, was OK...but one in a endless stream of 'college dorm/fraternity' movies trying to recapture "Animal House" in originality.

Even when you're trying for some sort of lame apology ("I lowered myself by attacking you personally, and that is something that should never be done."), you're still dishing out insults, ("And here again, in this latest post, you lower yourself to baseless assumptions and insults, lending credence to my original theory which was not directed solely at you, but at all the bitter queens in the world who seem incapable of developing a sense of humor about being gay or human.....")

It must suck to be you...yes we are VASTLY different gay people and thank God for that. Self-deprecating gays have given this country the idea that we can forgo civil rights and be the butt of jokes for the sole entertainment of heteros. I choose not to laugh at my sexual orientation, or believe that stereotypes are OK when going for real rights. As proven here in this thread, our gay community is vastly diverse. This has nothing to do with being "human" but everything to do with movies and TV depictions on how GBLTQI folks are 'supposed' to be. You want to see the very roots of self-deprecation and gay stereotypes, view; "The Celluloid Closet".

"...and don't call on Him to save you from your social graces and the sins you wish to waive"


Ugh. OK, well, I'm done trying to be nice. I'm done trying to talk to you like a reasonable person. I see that I was right, originally. You ARE a bitter old queen with a huge chip on your shoulder.

I'm gonna go back to having a social life, friends that love me for who I am, and a sense of humor.

You go ahead and keep being a lonely, miserable man, and hey, you go right ahead and keep thinking you're better than everyone else. Great way to get people to listen to your side of anything.

Have a great life.


I just watched this again, and that line makes me hysterical. Coco Peru is such a stitch anyway, but that face and that line. Priceless!


Combined with the dramatic zoom, It's one of the funniest movie lines ever.
