MovieChat Forums > Trick (1999) Discussion > Why are so many peopel trashing this mov...

Why are so many peopel trashing this movie?

Its annoying how so many people are trashing this movie because "It perpetuates sterotypes". Its a COMEDY. Its not like every movie needs to have a positive message. Believe it or not there ARE men that have casual sex. There ARE men who are effeminate. Not to say that EVERY gay man is but it IS a reality. Lightin up.


Amen, Brother.

This is a light comedy about "two men trying to make it in the big city", and it shouldn't be taken as anything more than that. In my own humble opnion it's a gay themed light comedy with a happy ending, and a delightful movie.

Unfortunately there are too many Siskel and Ebert wannabees and political activists out there. If they think they can improve on this little gem of a movie let them do just that. I'm sure I'll enjoy their DVD also.



I'm shock at how good the film is.



I like it, because it shows that sex isn't everything. I mean, all Gabe was looking for was a good time, but Mark was looking for something more. And that's admirable, especially since they now have a meaningful relationship instead of a cheap one-night stand. And in the end, that's what matters the most, not sex.


The movie is funny besides being gay romance! Its even thrilling especially in the last scene when Gabriel checks up on the number given by Mark. What more do you want?

And I agree with MastuhBlue about how the movie is much more than sex. That despite such hot leads!

So much to see, so little time!


i agree- its a great movie. Its obvious lack of a sex scene was a perfect choice, given the obvious suggestive plot. You keep thinkinn they're gonna screw, but the audience , along with the characters, learn its so much more then that. it shows that gay people do love each other, and have real romantic feelings outside their pants. I think the directors knew ppl would think ppl would see it as sterotyping gays, and showing them as purely horny- but the lack of any real gay acts onscreen, and a topless woman, were great buffer for an real criticism on this issue. The music is perfect ( the theme played throughout- "A trick of fate") was wonderfully chosen and fit perfectly. This is a really sweet story and is one of my absolute favorite gay-themed movies for all time.


I agree I liked this movie and what it represented for the gay community. Even straight people have similar movies of their own. 'Trick' is a real treat!


I'm a straight woman, and I loved this! I'm a big fan of gay movies, and although I'll admit the sexytime parts are why I initially started watching them, there are so many sweet, funny, sad, dramatic, and amazing gay films out there.

This one is in my top 10.


I thought it was an ok movie but had problems with pacing and had several awkward spots.
