
Christina riccis half British half American accent. Cringe worthy.


And that while she's supposed to be Dutch!


Yes it's quite bad, and she's pretty bad in the film in general. However, I don't know if she is supposed to be Dutch beyond ancestry. I think she is meant to have lived in New York her whole life. As are most of the residents of Sleepy Hollow. Even the older folk. I think they're of Dutch heritage but have all been raised around the English colonials who colonized the new world and therefore adopted their accents.


That's what I thought too, that the American accent we know today hadn't quite developed. Which makes Miranda Richardson's fake American accent seem really random to me! (Not the first time she's put on unnecessary accents though. What is she trying to prove?)


Johnny Depp and the other folks in New York city spoke with "British" accents, so I would just expect some sort of peculiar accent in Sleepy Hollow with some Dutch (and British) influences. Not one that sounds like modern American English.


Yeah, it was pretty bad.

However, I'm not sure what kind of direction she was given regarding the accents because it wasn't necessary for her to have a British/English one considering that she was born and raised in colonial America. Since the village was comprised primarily of Dutch settlers, I'd assume they'd have a semi-Dutch accent. Whenever a film is set in a different period, even in America, I feel that American audiences need the characters to possess some sort of an accent, just to add to that "period feel." It seems like many actors just default to British accents [standard RP] whenever an accent is required, maybe because it's the one most familiar to them [and to us]. I thought Depp's accent was pretty decent. Christina's accent was bad in that it was just too inconsistent. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have cared what accent she put on as long as it was consistent. The inconsistency was what made it distracting and that just killed her entire character for me. Well, that and the fact that she looked like she was 14, which was a little weird, considering that Depp was supposed to have been her love interest. :/


What always looks off to me is her eyebrows her. She looks hot but not natural.


Hot? You need glasses pal.


If this Cristina person is an actress,then I am William Shakespeare!


Yes, they were ghastly.



They use a lot of both British AND American accents in the Star Wars saga - supposedly "a long time ago in a galaxy far away"!

