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character from angel should had there own show

i know angel was a spin off from Buffy the vampire slayer but what i wanna know why know character from angel was not giving there own show it would of been nice
if they did spin off from angel and the cast could make cameo appearance on the new show like they did on Buffy but they did not


Well, if it makes you feel any better, the actresses for Faith and Darla said they wanted to give their characters another go around. I doubt they'll actually get the chance though.


I would love more Darla, and Julie still looks good. Her and Eliza would work well together


Her and Eliza would work well together

Agreed. They never did get screen time together. Though, I have a feeling they'd probably be better for it.


I thought Eliza Dushku turned down the chance to do a Faith spin off.


She did


Really I think only Faith qualifies, perhaps Spike?


I don't know how they could work Darla in considering she was killed off for good on Angel but I'd love to see a show centered around other characters.

Dawn and Connor are two characters a lot of fans have wondered about. Faith is another that should have had better closure so having her be a main character could be great as well.

I doubt David would want to come back but maybe Spike would make appearances here and there if not join as a mainstay and uh. Yeah that's about it really.





Wow. Knowledge of the English language, much?


I would have watched a Illyria spinoff.


Something else I'd liked to have seen would be a Lorne spinoff. His beginnings in Pylea. Being the only one to hear music in that dimension, and eventually making the adjustment on earth where he build his karaoke bar.


- sighs - wish this place was more active.


I would have only been interested in either a Faith or Lorne spin off


It's unfortunate that Andy Hallett died so young. If there had been a Lorne spinoff though, it probably would've happened by 2007 at the latest.
So, we might have gotten a few seasons, if the ratings were good. Fox is notorious for cancelling good shows, though.


The dentist who did not properly treat him should be severely punished!! He died bc of an infection which weakened his heart. What an evil amoral person. No excuse for having done that to him.


I don't recall reading an accurate account of what happened, but I'll take your word for it.
I just remember there were threads on IMDb where people blamed Hallett for not taking better care of himself. Really disgusting things to say about the deceased.


That is sad. We don't know what kind of condition he was in financially before the acting job. No I never knew him personally and am not related to him in any way but I enjoyd his work.


I think you would need a few of them to really make a show including some from Buffy as well. But what would you have them do is the real question, going on to fight evil again is really just the same as Buffy and Angel. I think some kind of different take on it all could have been good.

Wesley in bad ass mode would have been a good choice to base a show around. Or Xander.


How about a sitcom featuring Xander, Willow, Anya, and Oz? I would have watched that for sure.

Having other characters from the show pop up from time to time would make even better.


That could have been funny, watching the 4 of them cope with a lack of evil in the world to fight? Although didn't Anya die in the final Buffy battle?


Yes, she did. Didn't think about that. It would probably have to take place in some sort of alternate reality where Anya and some of the other characters didn't die.


Frankly, I'd rather have seen a Spike spin-off than Angel.
