MovieChat Forums > Shark Attack (2015) Discussion > A few questions about this movie....

A few questions about this movie....

I wanna see this movie, but I have some questions about it. Has this movie ever come on TV? Why does it seem to be so difficult to find? What are the shark attack scenes like? And, what does that cancer thing have to do with the sharks?



This movie isn't very good overall.



I watched this again after several years... It's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.


SA 2 is superior, in a sort of inferior way. Unlike the first, It's all about sharks not baddies and the mock- ups are fun, or funny, and serious at the end.


SA 2 is superior, in a sort of inferior way.
Unlike the first, it's all about sharks and shark attacks not baddies and the mock- ups are fun, or funny, and serious at the end.
