Merab Ninidze

I noticed that the highest rankings for the film were from women. The fact that the film captures the complexities of trying to sustain a marriage among such extreme conditions I'm sure was part of the appeal (as it was for me). I'm sure another part was the exceedingly attractive Walter, played by Merab Ninidze. I'm attracted more to the character than the actor, but when I went looking for more info about the actor there was almost none to be found (except a bizarre website that I'm not sure what to make of...). I'm really surprised that he hasn't done more since the film besides TV movies and relatively insignificant films (which I judge by the fact that they haven't been translated into English.

What a pity.


Excellent actor and beautiful looking. Surprised not much of a filmography but I think this is perhaps because his movies have not been well-known or he's done theater instead or retired? Perhaps his films have been indies and not documented. Still...seems strange.
