MovieChat Forums > El ministro y yo Discussion > El Ministro y Yo(1976)

El Ministro y Yo(1976)

For a latter day Cantinflas comedy, this was quite good. Raul Padilla, who appeared as Jaimito on 'El Chavo del 8', appears as a lawyer. This film could use a sincere treatment if it's released on home video. I hope the anamorphic widescreen ratio gets restored. On the Telemundo version, the credits are elongated and stretched out like dough!


I know Cantinflas is friends wit a lil gurl on this movie,but do you know any other movies where Cantinflas is friends wit another lil girl?I kinda recall another one where they are both friends and the lil girl likes to sing and sang Santa Lucia in a scene in her like u help me? Thanx and Im SO sorry if this is a dumb inquiry.-george age 18
