I have a problem...

When I was pregnant I was watching this film and I think my unborn child must have been peeking at it through the little holes in the end of my nipples, as ever since he was born he's been indulging in some very disturbing behaviour. He's been dribbling a lot, pooing himself at all times of the day and night, and bursting into tears for no apparent reason. He never says a word, but makes these weird gurgling noises and blows bubbles with his spit.

My question is: Do you think I should have him put down?



That sounds like a normal baby.


You should have eaten your baby when you had the chance -- like this guy: http://youtube.com/watch?v=qhPC03PGB1s


I have replied to a thread on imdb only 2 times before, and this is the third as its a very important one.

I had the same problem a few years back. Not exactly me, but my wife. When she was pregnant with our baby john, we watched Cannibal Holocaust (dont remember the exact date). The moment he exited my wife on his birthday, he was crying non stop. Had the same symptoms and additionaly, would not walk for 6 months!!!

In the end, we took him to a psychiatrist (or politely, shrink) and hooked him up to an EEG machine. Nothing came of it. Now he works in a morgue in our local hospital and comes home late every night with a smile on his face.

I feel your pain, we are with you all the way (and all other ways too).
