My fave Refn movie

I think of all Refn's films I love this the most (although I'd like to see Valhalla Rising again).

*It's a paean to movies and books.

*Mads pulls off a wickedly understated performance (i mean the godlike chiselled Mads fricking Mikkelsen playing a loner nerd, come on, that's really cool).

*The exploration of the psyche of a reluctant dad is fascinating. In fact, the only other movie I've seen dealing with that issue is The Truth About Men (Sandheden om mænd).

*Zlatko Buric brushing his hair is quite possibly the greatest moment in movie history.


I just saw this movie. Personally I wasn't that impressed.
I had high hopes for this one, as I really liked "Pusher" and it was the same team.
Pusher remains as my favorite Refn movie.
Not that I don't respect your opinion.


To be fair, this movie cant be compared with Pusher which is more of a crime drama with a human element. Bleeder is more of a character study. Both are excellent IMO.


It's definitely a paean to films and books and to characters like Lenny and Lea who love films and books, respectively.

I loved Mads in this; he had the best character to play though.

Why do you refuse to remember me?
