Grubby Petula

Although I have watched this series time and again and adore it, I have only just noticed how grubby Petula is.


I think she gets worse as the series progress. In the first series she's just dressed quite odd. As the storyline with the caravan and what-have-you continue she gest grubbier and grubbier.



Keep up will you! That's what happens when you callergas canister catches fire when your daughter's workmate won't hook it up for you coz his father's just died and you're a surrogate mother for Gwyneth Paltrow and little Leo DiCaprio!




Damn right! It's a classic post modernist representation of the working class struggles in North of England exemplified in contrast to the 21st century addiction with celebrity culture and the constant struggle for the idealised middle class lifestyle... Either that or it's just flippin' stupid and very funny!



What? Alternatively WHAT??? Are you insinuating that dinnerladies is not comedy genius at its absolute best? Oh, sorry, I forgot, YOU HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN MOST OF IT! For goodness sake, just watch the flippin' box set THEN tell me it's not brilliant. If you actually watch the whole thing then still don't love it, I'll accept that. Honest. Well... Probably.
