MovieChat Forums > dinnerladies (1999) Discussion > Something about Petula (spoilers - serie...

Something about Petula (spoilers - series 2)

I've often wondered, regarding the fact that Petula dies in the last episode, whether she knew all along in that series that she was dying, and also wondered if anyone else had approached it with a similar theory to mine?

Petula claims to be pregnant in most episodes of the series (although I don't think she mentions it in the second to last episode of series two when she lists the complaints she has been suffering from and Brian from the ambulance says he thinks she has liver damage too - it is also said that she has three weeks to live) but I wondered whether in fact she had some kind of liver cancer or other tumour which could explain the "pregnancy" and hence why she sometimes wears smocks in the series to keep up with the idea that she is "pregnant".

If this is possible, Petula being the fantasist that she is, could the pregnancy story (which also neatly ties in with Anita's pregnancy and deflects attention from it) be a way to protect her daughter from the reality that she is dying? Given that it turns out that she leaves a lot of money to Bren via her living will and also names Bren after herself, is this "masking" of the truth also her way of being kind to Bren?

"If we go on like this, you're going to turn into an Alsatian again."


oooooh! I like your style! I hadn't thought of all that, but it def sounds good.

It's like a big tide of jam coming toward us, but jam made out of old women
