
The appearance of Petula just after her caravan exploded cracks me up every time. The sight of her with her hair standing on end is one of the funniest moments in comedy.


Petula is one of my favourite characters from the series.

One of my fave Petula moments is where she walks in to help herself to tea/milk, with her manky old blanket wrapped round her, and all the staff in the canteen just stare at her as she walks out again, breaking wind with every step.

Kinda disgusting but hilarious and not a word spoken.



How could I have forgotten about that scene I cried with laughter and I'm laughing now just thinking about it!!


The scene after the caravan explosion was AMAZINGLY funny! 'Alright, bubba?!' lol. Plus, the look on Petula's face after Stan reads his poem cracks me up every time as well!


the seris is just great each and every person plays there part wonderfully so i will get back to you on my fav line

lifes whats happening while we are busy making plans


The fart noises were supplied by Andrew Dunn (Tony) standing out of shot, blowing raspberries... I should love to have been there for that!
