'Won't fly overseas'

I get SO mad when I see people write this. They go on about how great a series is and foreigners won't get it.

I'm a Yank with a pretty good working knowledge of British culture, including TV, film, and literature. I resent when someone tells me I won't "get" the humor. Part of the great thing about DVDs is that it can spread understanding of a culture as well as entertain.

My mother loves British comedies but she's not "into" it to the extent that I am. She may not get all the references and doesn't understand all the accents but it doesn't mean she doesn't laugh at what is funny - you get the idea if not the direct meaning.

I just had to blow my top when I saw the review on the front page for this series. I saw the program once when I was in the UK the first time and I liked it, and then my blood started boiling now when the reviewer intimated that no one outside the UK would get it. Maybe I didn't grow up in the UK but that doesn't mean I won't recognize good humor when I see/hear it!

"We're here. We're dead. Get used to it."


I'm glad

"I can't let people die if there's a chance of saving them" The Doctor



As a brit I have to apologise to our cousins from abroad for this sort of nonsense that some xenophobic brits think we are superior in our comedy.
There are some expressions that we use that other people will find difficult but for heavens sake, give people credit!!!
There are some american comedies that I dont understand, however there are some that are just fantastic eg. Big bang, Frasier, How I met your mother etc.
I have never heard any american say that I wouldn't understand their comedy, I guess they just leave it up to me to decide.
We should do them the same politness.
Personally I'm just glad there are people out there who enjoy comedies as much as I do.
