
I don't find it that funny it's just some people saying stuff like that "twink" saying "sad one" then everyone laughing in hysterics and then there is "Bren" saying stuff like "oh whats that word....yugoslavia it's from the fridge" then like "tony" will go "you mean yoghurt?" it's just stupid if you think about it!

*insert worthless quote here*


An endless conversations about bread, toast and would you like butter with that.


You really need to understand English culture and humour to 'get it'. Also, I think younger viewers won't really identify with the references, so won't find it funny.


My wife and I love Dinnerladies. We bought the dvd's and much to our surprise our 12 year old really loves them. They watching series 2 tonight...Again. After watching all of series 1 last night. For the 6th ? Plus time. Brilliant..
