Twinkle - Twink

......... played by the fantastic and beautiful Maxine Peake.

Was Twink really her name? Was it a nickname? Did it ever get mentioned?

I've seen this series on UKGold so many times, but I'm never sure if I've seen them all. There's just certain one's I recognise etc.

Right, I'm off for a fag'


"It's a fantastic day here, and I hope it is wherever you're at" - Bob Ross


I felt the actress who played Twink only really got the chance to shine in the last 3 or so episodes.


i love twink... i knew her as Veronica from Shameless when i first watched the show - she was good in that aswell :) I think it is just a nickname, but i have never heard her real name mentioned

Ziggy Played Guitar


It might have been mentioned in the episode "Moods" but I can't remember. Philippa was trying to lift everyone's spirits and had organised a "bring your parents to work" day. Twinkle was worried she might be pregnant as her period was overdue and she'd enlisted Bren to break the news to her mum. Just before she was about to tell her Twinkle gave her the thumbs up that she wasn't pregnant.


That door thing got on my nerves in the end. You dont need to say it over & over all the bloody time.
Its like in my office every Tuesday the fire alarm goes off (test) and & every tuesday for 4 years people say 'Tuesday' out loud

Jesus Christ, trust me after 4 years i have such an urge to shout 'We know its *beep* tuesday - SHUT UP!!!!!!!!'

It really gets on your nerves.
