The ending was absurd!

He suddenly remembers seeing young Arab children firing those weapons? It was one of the most preposterous, racist things I've ever seen. When I first saw the scene, I thought the character had just gone insane, then I realized the director expected us to take it seriously. As if enough Arab children aren't already being targeted by the IDF ("collateral damage" they call it), now they have Hollywood fertilizer such as this movie dehumanizing them.


Not the director's fault. The film was modified after sneak previews. Listen to the audio commentary if you have a chance.





Im not saying the one legged girl part wasnt absurd, but there are arab children who are used to fight the military because soldiers (rightfully so) are probably not going to fire on them. The ending was a little absurd, but the fact that arab children are used as sacrifices and gunmen is not that absurd in a general context. but of course it doesnt justify killing them everytime you are suspicious

Edit: i would like to note that i did find the movie a lil bit racist, but not because of the children idea


At first I felt sympathy for that little girl, until I saw her firing that pistol. That little b****. Why don't you let the director know to only cast white kids for a role like that?


I totally agree. This film is just about the most racist cr@p I've seen, ever.

"What's that smell?"


anyone here been in Iraq or any war at all and knows for a fact that children are not used like this just wondering? Because my dad was in Vietnam and Sh** like that happened on a daily basis. And in arab countries your enemy is usually religous fanatics. Im not saying any of you are wrong its just that its not unheard of for children to be used as cannon fodder or human shields especially by muslim fanatics. (Iran-Iraq war, Beirut, Somalia) just to name a few.


I do think the movie's ending was a little absurd, but not for the reasons the OP suggested. I thought it was odd for the Vietnamese general to be saulting Jackson at the end; I wasn't convinced he could possibly forgive him so easily after what he did to his radio operator in 'Nam.

But I don't have a problem with the whole thing about the Arab kids having guns. That's not "racist". That really happens over there.

"What I don't understand is how we're going to stay alive this winter."


Probably because he knew Sammy Jackson could have killed him too, yet he honored his word that he would let him go in exchange for information. My guess.

"I belong with you...A member of your Koga Ninja!!!"


an 8 yrs old girl with one leg can fire a pistol at soldiers??? wait, let me guess, you are an american!!!


I'm watching the movie right now with it paused at the exact moment we see the little girl shooting (1:37:16)... Guess what *beep* No crutches lol. Maybe if you were American you'd be smart enough to realize she lost her leg from getting shot, NOT BEFORE.


what the hell are you talking about, in the movie they justify american savage actions by a little girl with one leg holding a gun and shooting at american soldiers.


See, if you were American you'd be smart enough to understood what I wrote. When I wrote my first reply I was watching the movie and had the scene paused at that exact moment you're talking about where the girl is shooting at soldiers. I was trying to tell you that on the screen right in front of me I saw she had 2 LEGS and NO CRUTCHES, which makes your point invalid. She DID NOT have one leg until AFTER she got shot by the soldiers. SHE LOST HER LEG IN THE FIREFIGHT. Understand now?


you keep missing the point, which is justifying savage acts with little girl, in propaganda movie


Who said he did it “easily”?


Stop looking for connection.
I did think it was something he just imagined, actually but even if it wasn't it does not make it racist, you plum.



Ok enough of this, kids with guns is more symbolic; it's meant to be offensive but it shows how america has made enemies of all arabs, even to the smallest children.This movie reflect the changing political time which we live in where the line between terrorism/freedom fighter and hero/villain is blurred. These scenes are just there to represent growing animosity towards the americans which is strongest in the middle east.


First of all, that wasn't the ending. Second of all, Arabs are not a race. And third of all, even if they were a race, this movie would not be racist because, believe it or not, women and children can also become terrorists and shoot a gun. And no, I'm saying all of them would, a very small number probably, but it does not seem to far-fetched for me to believe that at a gathering like this, against American involvement in the Middle-East, a "civilian" could pick up a gun knowing that American troops never target civilians and do their best to avoid collateral damage.

"On the night of the fight you're going to feel a slight sting..."



We're actually - assuming you're human - all part of the human race.

Can you tell me how a black man's skin makes him somehow a different species from me because I have white skin?

I've actually known black people before (weird, I know - I've known Mexicans, Colombians, Venezuelans, Brazilians, Russians, Chinese, Philipino, Australian, Indian, nauseum) and they all pretty much seemed to be somewhat human to me.

So what the *beep* is this "race" you are referring to?

Seriously, how far do you want to break it down? Is my brother a different race from me because his eyes and hair aren't the same color?

You people (and yes, I said "you people") claiming this movie is "racist" are the most bigotted people I've ever encountered.


"knowing that American troops never target civilians"

Hilarious! You *WERE* trying to be funny and sarcastic, weren't you?



arabs are the greatest semite nation, and you're anti semite. and to believe that an 8 yrs old girl with one leg can fire a pistol on soldiers just show the level of intelligence in your dump race.


Many Iranians hate Arabs because they see the Islamic Republic as an Arab system. Iranian people on average are more moderan. And the Mullahs are very unpopular there. I'm not saying Arabs are all bad but they have some major problems within their own people. The stoning to death of Adua Khelil Aswad that has been posted on the internet is an example of the barbarism within the Arab people.


Many Iranians hate Arabs because they see the Islamic Republic as an Arab system.

Actually it's a Sunni-Shia thing. Shia Islam arose as a counterpunch to Sunni dogma in Persia and stuck there (for the most part) because the more militant and violent Sunnis would oppress and mass - murder the Shia wherever they went (Iraq, Pakistan etc.). There is very little extremism or violence in Shia societies. I myself have seen Sunni communities engage in gang-rapes, riots, bombings and pogroms against non-Muslims and Shia Muslims and I have seen small isolated Shia communities in Pakistan and India living in complete peace and goodwill with non-Muslims and only engage in violence when they have been directly threatened by Sunni bigots (as is the case in Baluchistan in Pakistan or the sectarian violence in Iraq)

In Iran, the Islamic leadership is violent and extremist because they want to unite with the Sunnis and form some sort of "pan-Islamic alliance" against "infidels". Most Shia don't care too much for this sort of thing.


If I was a Marine in Iraq and there was a 10 year old shooting a AK47 at me, I would fire back!

I'm a Republican, and thats my opinion on this matter.


If I was a Marine in Iraq and there was a 10 year old shooting a AK47 at me, I would fire back!

So would I. Even if it was a girl. Survival is everything in battle, and the Muslims deliberately put young boys and girls on the battlefield anyway, so it's not your fault.

Liberalism is dauntingly powerful. But the one force it does not have on its side is truth.


"and the Muslims deliberately put young boys and girls on the battlefield anyway, so it's not your fault. "

Now where did you get that idea? From this racist movie obviously.

~~~OK Computer, Kid A, Amnesiac~~~



Actually, there is just human race with no sub-races. "Black" or "white" are not "races" either, this belief comes from outdated classifications that have been disproven by the modern biology.

So, by that logic, either nobody should use the word "racism"; or the word "racism" simply means hatred/prejudice towards people of a certain ethnic origin. Is there a better word for it?

Speaking of which,

better sorry than safe


Speaking of which,

Yes, yes. There is genuine racism against Middle-Easterners. That's not the issue. The issue here is when fanatic Muslims deliberately conflate that problem with legitimate criticism of militant Islam as a political tactic.
Fanatic Muslims also deliberately conflate Muslims as a "race" (insofar as such a concept is perceived as valid, which it is not, as you pointed out). You might want to read this article by a British Muslim named Kenan Malik that summarizes the problem:

The Islamophobia myth

But does Islamophobia exist? The trouble with the idea is that it confuses hatred of, and discrimination against, Muslims on the one hand with criticism of Islam on the other. The charge of "Islamophobia" is all too often used not to highlight racism but to silence critics of Islam, or even Muslims fighting for reform of their communities.

In reality, discrimination against Muslims is not as great as is often claimed.

Here is a statement by Salman Rushdie (a famous victim of fanatic Muslims)

After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now faces a new global totalitarian threat: Islamism. We refuse to renounce our critical spirit out of fear of being accused of "Islamophobia", a wretched concept that confuses criticism of Islam as a religion and stigmatization of those who believe in it.

Whoever coined the term 'Islamophobia' or "anti-Muslim" was quite shrewd. Notice the intellectual sleight of hand here. One can rightly or wrongly fear Islam, or more usually, aspects of Islam, and have absolutely no bias against all Muslims, let alone be a racist. The equation of Islamophobia with racism is particularly dishonest. Muslims come in every racial group, and Islam has nothing to do with race. Even granting that there are people who fear Islam, how does that in any way correlate with racism? If fear of an ideology rendered one racist, all those who fear conservatism or liberalism should be considered racist. Every religion in the world is subject to criticism, except, it seems, Islam.

The fact remains that the term 'anti-Muslim' has one purpose — to suppress any criticism, legitimate or not, of Islam

Liberalism is dauntingly powerful. But the one force it does not have on its side is truth.


umm, actually its a known fact that ppl in the middle east do that sorta thing. Be
a little more educated please.


so you believe that religious muslims will let an 8 yrs girl with one leg out of the house with hair uncovered to shoot soldiers with a pistol and that didn't knock her on her back, because she's well trained??? don't worry, you do have the average american intelligence.


"The stoning to death of Adua Khelil Aswad that has been posted on the internet is an example of the barbarism within the Arab people".

Mmmm... I guess then that the footage I saw on TV about the Columbine shootings, or Timothy McVeigh's Oklahoma city bombings, or the Zodiac killer, for that matter, are an example of the barbarism within the American people...

I guess it's all a matter of perspective.



As far as showing children firing weapons...this happens all the time! Watch archival footage of various wars and conflicts (Vietnam, Iran-Iraq, Iraq, etc.) and you will see that there are many children of varying ages bearing arms. Children are also being used as "pack mules" to carry weapons, ammunition, explosives, etc. to others because a child has a lesser chance of being shot at.

So to think that only adults will be firing weapons in a situation as depicted in the movie, is absurd and wearing blinders to see children idealistically as always being innocent.

Also, to think that children wouldn't use a weapon through aggresion or retaliation is also absurd. Look at what has been happening in some of our schools.



WOOAAAAHH so you're telling me that 4year old girl confidently firing the glock at a group of trained marines meant to be what actually happened? i thought it was just him twisting things or his mind twisting them, but then i got confused by them making him to be a hero and having the v.c guy salute him which i thought must've been added on at the end just to please american audiences, and make it clear where the film stands instead having it up to the audience to discuss what he did was right or wrong.

i find it pretty hard to beleive thats what the director expected, as the film seemed to be about the blur between right and wrong, like munich for example. Now what happened was that there were fighters in the crowd but not many, and definately not the whole crowd had weapons,the other soldier,played by Blair Underwood, said to childers there are women and children in THE WAY not that the fighters wee also women and children.. so childers leaves with his own events in his mind is fair enough but to have the audience believe is wierd and like someone pointed earlier is what was added on after screenings..


Well... yes, of course it was what happened - that's why Childers ordered his men to "engage hostile targets". Didn't you see the same scene on the videotape the Washington chair-warmer was watching?

You know what inspiration is? The momentary cessation of stupidity.
- SGM Jonas Blane


I wonder how Distinguishly dumb and idiot some people can be .. NEWSFLASH : the scene in the movie, that was NOT OF A WAR .. stop giving *beep* example of Vietnam or any other war ... if today u were a kid and Arab people would invade USA and raped ur mom near ur eyes, you WOULD take a gun, you WOULD become a bomber .. so DONT blame on Kids in Arab countries .. just becouse your government has made your life easier where you can eat, sleep, *beep* and party and are too ignorant about the harsh reality that kids in middle east are facing doesnt mean you can talk out of your a$$ ... and for your KIND INFORMATION .. what they SHOWED IT WASNT EVEN A WAR .. there is NO reason for a 5 year old girl to all of a sudden become a terrorist ....

Grow up man .. god give you brain, don't talk out of ur a$$es .. that makes no difference between you and a stinking donkey ...


Yes I know, it's always the US's fault. Our troops storm the world and rape women and get great benefits.

Anyway, yes, kids have been known to be involved in terrorist activity, but that's because of brainwashing. They aren't savages or anything like that. It's just that religion can be used in terrible ways by a small number of people. Kids in America shoot people too - it's just a harsh reality of life.

And lastly, for those arguing that this is U.S. propaganda, the film depicts high-level government officials, including an ambassador and the National Security Adviser, committing perjury, withholding evidence, etc. to save their asses while destroying the life of a soldier. So maybe it's propaganda for those conspiracy theorists, but I hope it's not how my government wants itself to be viewed.

Donkeys talk out of their asses?

I love the Power Glove. It's so bad.


It's racist films like these that continue to widen the gap between Arabs and Americans. What exactly did the director sought out to accomplish with a film like this? To show us that Arab civilians are violent people who out of nowhere will band together and start to shoot US Soldiers? And that the children join in as well? And that since they fired first, that justified the fact that the military just killed a bunch of women and children? It's absolutely racist and I can completely see how that aspect of the film can be viewed as propaganda.

Xbox Live Gamertag: Magical Pro


What about Israeli children being targeted by suicide bombers? Is that collateral damage or murder?

Once upon a time, we had a love affair with fire.



that's the bible's law, an eye for an eye


Come to Chicago. You can see all kinds of little black kids shooting guns at you, to your hearts content.


Oh please. What is it with you people who see racism in everything ? The story could have been set anywhere in the world. It just happened to be set in Yemen because DING DING DING that's the part of the world where anti-Americanism is most prevalent. Bottom line is there was nothing racist about that scene or any other scene in the movie. It's just a freaking movie for crying out loud. It could have been set on Mars with Martians being the civilians and it would have been the same story. It's just a story. And to be perfectly honest with you I don't even think it was a very good story but to lob charges of racism at it is just ridiculous.
