MovieChat Forums > The Prodigy Discussion > The Prodigy.. Best Action Movie (Held ba...

The Prodigy.. Best Action Movie (Held back?)

Now I've seen a lot of action movies,Horror Movies and Dramas and this film has some of the best of all a touch of SAW a touch of The Replacement Killers and a touch of Halloween (Jason) and a pinch of Boondock Saints. The guy that gave the straight to video commentary is definitely an amateur when it comes to analysis of Action/Horror film quality.
As clearly this film though not in the vein of the multi million dollar face fests of the day, is a classic in it's on right. From frame one to the very end you are literally riveted to the screen and searching to try and guess (As all true film connoisseurs tend to do.) The rest of the story. Wasn't quite able to do that with this one. With the origin of the Protagonist yet kind of murky, one would think a prequel would do well in this puzzler of an action thriller. And truly of all the films I've seen at recent, this one totally got me. And it didn't need Samuel Jackson or Bruce Willis to make the film. What does puzzle me the most is that it's a 2004 film yet only now released on DVD.
And makes one wonder just how many more Gems have been shelved due to some less than zero that places his or her opinion above what us true movie lovers crave.. "Something Different" And out of respect for my fellow movie lovers and reviewers I'll say this.. "Pop The Popcorn View the film" Then decide..
TFW38 "The Media Mafia"
~When the dust settles Which side are you on?~



"And it didn't need Samuel Jackson or Bruce Willis to make the film."
Did you just compare this piece of trash to Pulp Fiction?


any idea when this is gonna be released in the uk on region 2?


hah...I actually thought about Unbreakable when he said that.

But all-in-all, it was a good film imo. worth another viewing.
