Just one thing

I love this movie, but there's just one thing that I'm not sure about, it's not a goof, it's just not clear enough: how could Harry get a well-trained cop like Madeline all the way into the ventilation tunnels and all tied up to a tree? Since they don't show it, I guess the only way he could do that would be by using her gun to force her there, or maybe she was unconscious 'cause he strangled her... Oops, think I just answered my own question there!



I think this film sucks from the beginning to the end, A proof of this is exactly what you're asking: how he could grab with the cop and made a escape with her? it's very difficult to imagine it with a supposed well-trained cop like Madeline, so the director took a "wise" decision not showing it and keeping the guess to the audience. But at the end, I think this is a real goof and a flaw for the movie


I agree with you, it's not well directed, it's kind of clumsy, but I still think it's a good movie overall, somehow it is original and Brody's acting is cool

