
someone spoil it.
what happens?


I don't remember seeing if a verdict is read...but I do remember that she is acquited. In a voiceover, Alice talks about forgiveness and rebuilding. The family is living in Chicago. Money is very tight. She is shown shopping at Goodwill or Salvation Army. One of those. Her husband is working at the Lincoln Park Zoo in the farm animal area. She goes to visit Theresa and, in the voiceover, says that they're not really friends anymore.



he worked for the dmv first, which i'm sure had better benefits than the "dairy display" at the zoo. their old farm was turned into a summer camp for kids (she went to visit) + the last scene is the family eating spaghetti dinner + looking miserable in their sad, dark apt.


I think some of this got mushed together.
After selling the farm they move into a apartment or townhouse (id had at least 2 floors because we saw the stairway) somewhere near their old farm and/or where she is being tried. When she gets out on bail she is seen shopping at the thrift store and her husband is working at the DMV.
In the epilogue they are living in Chicago, she narrates about change, etc. and we see the husband working with animals (At the zoo? I missed the direct reference to this.) We didn't see a lot of the new apartment/house to draw conclusions but it did seem to have some nice woodwork. They are still driving the same station wagon so we can guess that money may be tight.
We never find out how much they got for the farm and if they had to post the whole $100,000 or just 10% cash or maybe they used a bail bondsman. The lawyer must have cost them a pretty penny. Even in a small town a trial like that would cost in the tens of thousands.
I was dissapointed that we had to assume a lot at the end. Was she 100% exonerated, etc..
