Good...and then...

The ending with Tom Jones was just ridiculous and really killed the mood. boo boo boo


Yeah, it did abruptly change the flow of an otherwise good film.




I think that might have been the point. She had a husband and she lost him, had a wonderful best friend and she lost her too. She had huge debt issues with the Sharks and for all the good things that happened to her it seemed there were still just twice as many bad things for her to deal with.

Sure, it's a little hard to believe but it's also nice to see one of her biggest dreams realized in the end.


It's true that some people just can't catch a break.
One of the reasons I wish I could win the lottery is so that I could help my friend and her husband and kids. Bad things keep happening to them and they've never been financially comfortable. It's depressing!

I could use the money too! Working part time for minimum wage despite having a bachelor's degree in education. Living with mom and dad again is demoralizing.
