Great movie

This movie was great! It moved me in many ways. As a Mexican American growing up here and being a victim of racism I totally understood what Andrea was saying. CAn someone please comment on this as well?


i too loved this movie.. i can watch it over and over... even though i am not mexican (argentinan) watching this movie made me so proud of being a latina...



I have to say that whoever wrote the screenplay for this movie should have studied a little Anthropology and Ethnology before writing the screenplay. Her liberal derogatory use of the term "white people" shows a lack of education on her part. The White race refers to groups of Caucasian people from Europe. Caucasians in the United States are referred to as Anglo Americans of non-Latin extraction. Latinos belong to the Caucasian groups from Europe, i.e. from Spain. And because there is NO Brown race, Latinos belong, by extension, to the White race.
As to the movie, I though the race card was way over played. The extreme hated that these women showed only showed their lack of education as to who THEY really were as a racial group. Had the screenwriter had them use the word "Anglo" instead of "White" then they would have been historically correct. I grant you that the word Anglo wouldn't have been as dramatic, but it would have been correct.
On a ten scale I gave Luminarias a 3. In comparison I gave Tortilla Soup starring Hector Elizondo a 9 !
