MovieChat Forums > Lost Souls (2000) Discussion > Devil's Equivalence of different people?

Devil's Equivalence of different people?

Was "Uncle James" the Devil's equivalence of Saint John the Baptist at all or no? Father James had only performed one baptism in seven years somewhere. Of who or whom was Claire Van Owen the Devil's equivalence from the Christian Bible? Of who or whom was Maya Larkin the Devil's equivalence from the Christian Bible? What does that make Peter Kelson's brother? Peter Kelson was the Devil's equivalence of Jesus Christ. Please tell me absolutely everyone.


Either I totally missed something very important or you're overthinking things.. I don't think there is exactly a parallel between the God side and the Devil side so to speak.


I agree. I don't think there was a parallel to anyone but Christ. And it isn't even a parallel very much, because it was more of a possession than an anti-christ, like in The Omen, if I remember correctly.


Have you ever seen "The Matrix" and its two sequels? Do you want to explain things to me by using "The Matrix" trilogy or no?
