MovieChat Forums > Lost Souls (2000) Discussion > So bad it made me laugh out loud in the ...

So bad it made me laugh out loud in the theater

boy was this a stinker - i went to the theater to see it when it first came out with some friends. there was one scene in particular, for no apparent reason at all, a deer runs out into the road, then runs into the woods when a car comes, and they try to play the scene out like it was creepy or something. i thought to myself "what the hell?" and looked at my friend who also thought the same thing and we just started looking at each other and laughing. we tried not to but we couldn't stop, it was just so stupid. glad to see this movie is ranked 4.6, it deserves this terrible as it was one of the worst movies i've ever seen.

"Hey Neighbor, you got about one f ucking second to live buddy" - Frank Booth


Yeah it definitely sucked pretty bad!

"In my own summer the shade is a tool"


If you were that amused by a deer crossing the road, I'm surprised you didn't thisk this was an Oscar candidate.


the starter of this thread and his friend must be 10 years old. how did they get in the theater?


Maybe it would be a little bit clearer if you knew that in Christianity the deer is a symbol of piety and devotion. You can take it from there.

FYI: There was a lot of low-key symbolism in this movie.

"I can't stand a naked light bulb, any more than..a rude remark or a vulgar action" Blanche DuBois
