
If he had never been baptised then why as a solution to try and fix him didn't they just go and have him baptised? I mean that was one of the requirements for him becoming Satan, so if they was then why didn't they try it? It may be a stupid question, but it has been bugging me ever since I rewatched it a couple of days ago.



You cant just be baptized can you? Im not very religious but i thought there were some requirements by the church....


Why would someone, Satan, who is capable of challenging almighty God, be put off by some mumbo-jumbo about baptism?

It's like all the crap about black masses and animal sacrifice, 666..yadda yadda.

Either the Devil is powerful, or he isn't. Rituals can't affect that.


Well yes the devil is powerful, but God is more powerful. Its people and their weaknesses that allow evil to gain power. Baptism is a cleansing of sins, a committment to God.


Yeah, by the looks of the answers, it appears that some people need to brush up on their religious studies a bit. If God wasn't MUCH more powerful, he wouldn't have been able to cast Satan out in the first place, nor would he be able to hold him down... and he wouldn't be making the rules. I think some people watch too much Buffy The Vampire Slayer or Charmed, and confuse it with theology.


Good question. Another question you might wanna ask about this crap-movie is why they didnt just wait for him to turn and the performed an excorsism on him.


maya said he was already contaminated so being baptised wouldnt effect him.

you can't exercise satan himself.. did you watch the movie?


I thought the same thing.!
