
Do you believe Connie loved her and did everything for her own good or he was just using her?


I've always thought he loved her best out of all the Guineveres.


I totally agree!




The Tagline is

"He was her first love, she was his last"

That only leads you to believe that he did indeed love her more than all of the others, had it been one before her, the relationship wouldn't have been so......



I think the place to begin is Sloane's own attitude towards Connie. She obviously has perspective and maturity resulting from her relationship/mentoring with Connie (i.e., he helps her find her true self), but I don't think she was blind to his essential flaws.

It's an interesting film in that it allows us to see how pathetic and wonderful Connie is; how the women are, after a fashion, grateful to him; how he has squandered his own talent; how his body is falling apart due to self-destructive habits.

But Jean Smart's character gets to lay into him powerfully about how he chooses young women and doesn't get involved with a woman of his own age. He does choose young women who are, after a fashion, dependent upon him, and the relationships are strictly temporary, and -- spoiler alert -- he is not faithful, either. It's flattering and pleasurable to Connie to take beautiful young women as lovers and have them look up to him.

But one reviewer pointed out that Connie does give each woman attention at a crucial point in their lives, and they seem to be stronger for it and indeed, in the end, stronger than he is.

As for which one he truly loved, I don't think that's the issue, at least not for him or even for the women.

First rule of movie-going: never confuse the actor with his role.



