I never liked who the bad guy turned out to be, IT was WAYYYYYY to clear from the first moment you saw him who it was going to be so i had these 2 ideas which i believe work better.

Sean Patrick Flanery should have been the bad guy, After he dies we should have found out way towards the end when they check the body it isnt him and he had switched it with one of the helpers. Faking his own death and the way he acted all afraird of blood and crap this is why i thought he maybe the villian. It would have thrown off any clues if it was him or not.

2nd idea

Stallone could have turned out to be a crazed killer and that the man who killed his girlfriend was really dead but Stallone lost his mind after her death and became a killer himself.



Because he was too nice guy from the start. There's no surprises anywhere in this film, thought the ending is so freaking campy I laughed the whole time I watched it.


2nd idea

Stallone could have turned out to be a crazed killer and that the man who killed his girlfriend was really dead but Stallone lost his mind after her death and became a killer himself.

That was the ending I was hoping for.



Dunno, while it would have had good impact, the hero is actually the bad guy but unaware because of a mental break is actually becoming something of a standard (not quite into cliche territory but close) in the psychological thriller department.

I agree that the real mystery for the audience could have been perked up, but overall at this point I think it always falls more to execution than the actual plot choices in many respects because you can identify multiple instances where any character choice as the baddy has been used multiple times

Sly-- hero is actually the bad guy but unaware because of a mental break
Charles S. Dutton-- Seemingly sympathetic best friend actually evil
Kris Kristofferson-- the person in charge/power going bad


This was the only thing i believe could of been improved slightly. But hell it's an unbelieveable movie, who am i to judge it.


No, it wasn't "waay" to clear from the beginning.

Alternate endings might have included:

1) The chick being the killer in the end (and got found out and finally killed),

2) The chick being the killer in the end, but they never find out and kill someone else instead (believing they got the right guy).

But in any case, any ending would have been a cliche ending. This garbage of a movie set itself up in such a way that regardless of what they'd have done, it would look like a cliche.



If the audience didn't understand that killing the killer 'cured' Stalone's character, they're never going to understand that cheesy (and TOTALLY unbelievable!) 'symbolic' act of leaving his loves' ring dangling from a branch!

I had to laugh when I saw that. Opposite to what the writer intended, what that {sniff ... tear ... retch} act said to me was that Stalone's character had finally lost his entire mind.

I mean really; a person with even a modicum of sanity is going to leave a ring worth thousands of dollars behind??? Yeah, sure.
