MovieChat Forums > Charlie's Angels (2000) Discussion > Why was Drew Barrymore so adamant that t...

Why was Drew Barrymore so adamant that the angels didn't use guns?

Is she one of those people who seriously thinks that watching guns being shot on TV and in movies will influence young people to go out and shoot somebody in real life? She also reportedly asked Steven Spielberg (her godfather) to digitally replace the guns held by policeman in E.T. with walkie-talkies.

Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 From: Joyce
Sorry, didn’t see the movie. When the 3 actresses were on Mtv with
their “We’re not voting for the Bush’ son” t-shirt on, I couldn’t
stomach spending my money on their movie. As usual, Hollywood wants to
slander my political party and then ask me to go and spend my money on
their films. I have limited myself to view Independent Films only
where the “real” creative people are. I have lost any respect that was
still lingering for Hollywood since this election. Their anti-gun
politics is exactly that, POLITICS. Leave POLITICS out of films
please, political correctness has no home in films. Drew said she was
setting examples for our “daughters” w/the non-gun issue, really? What
about the prancing around in the underwear and sleeping with the enemy
whom you just met, yea, real positive role model for our “daughters”.

Read the previews, sorry, unrealistic, all the bad guys had guns, and
these little women would be dead in a heart beat in real life. Which I
guess speaks for the angels political affiliation, ALL THE CRIMINALS


Charlie's Angels are in essence, law enforcement officers, aren't they? At least on the original series, we're told that they worked for the police force before Charlie Townsend hired them. They aren't exactly superheroes as seemingly depicted in the movies.,may%20not%20be%20bound%20by.&text=Additionally%2C%20laws%20and%20regulations%20vary%20by%20state.

To me, this strikes me a bit of Drew Barrymore being reactionary because at it wasn't that long prior that the Columbine massacre happened. And at the time, there was a lot of debate over the influence of violence in the media directed towards young people. It sort of reminds me of when Jim Carrey tried to distance himself from Kick Ass 2 in light of the Sandy Hook massacre.
