MovieChat Forums > Total Recall 2070 (1999) Discussion > This Friday on 'TR 2070' ep 16 'Restitut...

This Friday on 'TR 2070' ep 16 'Restitution'

Aired Friday 8:00 PM Apr 27, 1999 on Showtime

The CPB is busy dealing with Brant's kidnapping and, on top of that, Hume's personal problems continue as Olivia's memories don't seem to be returning.


Michael Easton
David Hume

Karl Pruner
Ian Farve

Cynthia Preston
Olivia Hume

Michael Anthony Rawlins
Martin Ehrenthal

Judith Krant
Olan Chang

Matthew Bennett
James Calley

Peter Firth
Vincent Nagle

Kamar de los Reyes
Jack Brant

Roman Podhora
Jonathan Crane

Greg Ellwand
Rekall Lawyer

Sabrina Grdevich
Friend of Mr. Nagle

Damon D'Oliveira
Detective Moralez

Victoria Snow


Noooo! Moralez. Well it looks like he is going to pull through so we can move on.
Chicken surprise: Looks like hospital food of the future makes hospital food of today look gourmet.
I really didn’t understand why the captain told Nagal the information that the Rekall guy had been kidnapped and was being held for ransom. I understand that the information had to get to Nagal to keep the story going but by having the captain just hand that information to him on a silver platter made the captain look very inept. Also, makes the writers look either lazy or also inept.
So Olivia has not known who David is for a day or two. So our fine hero totally panics! But let us just move on from him not giving Olivia’s body any time to heal organically. What I learned about the future in this episode is a woman can be a robot expert but she is not allowed to make her own health care decisions. Why is Olan asking David if he wants her to give this new experimental drug to Olivia? It is not his business unless Olivia wants to discuss it with him and include him in HER decision making process.
The whole scene with Hume, Nagal and Farve looked so ‘we wrote and filmed this in the backyard’. This series has a lot of moments that are like watching a UCLA film student movie.
Poor Rekall they now need another head of security!
Question: If they returned Olivia’s memory why didn’t it go all the way back to her Carol personality and not her made up life as Olivia?
7 out of 10


Well, after a great episode last week... a not so great one this week. lorkris has made some great observations, so I'll make use of his great review to make my not-so-great one.

by lorkris » Noooo! Moralez. Well it looks like he is going to pull through so we can move on.

Yeah. Funny thing, though, I still don't care about him. But I like his hat.

I really didn’t understand why the captain told Nagal the information that the Rekall guy had been kidnapped and was being held for ransom.

Great point. I thought that was sloppy detective work as well. Actually, something the show hasn't defined well yet is how much power a corporation like Rekall has. And why is it almost always Rekall? Well, I guess because the show is not called "Uber-Braun 2070," or "Minacom 2070."

Anyway, back to the subject of Rekall's powers, sometimes it seems Rekall owns the CPB, in others, the corporation requires some smart-ass legal maneuvers to get its way around, and other times its head of security is treated like any other suspect.

Who are you referring to as the Captain? I'm not sure Martin is a captain, and CAlley is the representative of the Assessor's Office.

So Olivia has not known who David is for a day or two. So our fine hero totally panics!

Yes, DAvid's attitude was the worst possible. His anxiety was evident. And there was no doctor to advise them how to deal with the situation. She was just abandoned. What DAvid should have done was treat her like a thinking human being with feelings, trying to figure out how she felt about NOW, not about their past. In fact, the show would have gained a lot if her healing had been slowed down a great deal, and she had to fall in love again. In the style of "50 First Dates." But no, he was practically twisting her arm to remember him.

Why is Olan asking David if he wants her to give this new experimental drug to Olivia? It is not his business unless Olivia wants to discuss it with him and include him in HER decision making process.

Yeah, and why is Olan the only doctor involved? It seems that having such a small cast, they had to make do with what they had, but really, it was very odd that nobody in the hospital even talked to them about the situation.

And you are right about Olivia's/Carol's decision-making process. Even if she were not legally apt to make a decision because of her mental issues or whatever, it seems a mater of courtesy that she would be included in the process instead of Olan talking to David in private as if his wife were a child or a cat.

Poor Rekall they now need another head of security!

Oh, you think?

Question: If they returned Olivia’s memory why didn’t it go all the way back to her Carol personality and not her made up life as Olivia?

And that's the 2070-dollar question. Wasn't the Olivia personality just a construct built on top of her REAL personality, which was Carol? It would have been much more interesting if Carol had actually *chosen* to give their marriage a shot, even though she knew it was part of a fraud. Instead, David just took his wife for granted and took for granted that the moment she recovered her memory, she would go running back to him.

The whole scene with Hume, Nagal and Farve looked so ‘we wrote and filmed this in the backyard’. This series has a lot of moments that are like watching a UCLA film student movie.

I just thought that in an exchange like that, for one party to double-cross the other, the fooled party has to be incredibly stupid or trusting. And if anyone was supposed to make this mistake it would have to be David, who was emotionally involved. Nagle had all the leverage and was cool enough not to let emotion ruin his judgment. How could he fall for David's old trick?

Instead, I wish David had actually corrupted himself, and later tried to atone for his wrongdoing by capturing Nagle through other means. And, at the same time, he would have to deal with his decision to break the law and navigate a much grayer area than the black-and-white one where his comfort zone is.

My grade: 6 vials of great episode essence spoiled by a self-destruct enzyme.


We begin this episode with a tutorial on how NOT to transport an important person to safety. First, just have one person escort him without a fancy armored vehicle into an open Mars port. Oddly enough, that part goes fine. It’s when the heavily armed vehicle and guard arrives that all falls apart. Some scurrilous rouge had replaced the guard. He shoots poor Morales and then whisks Brandt away easily. The good news is that at least Morales doesn’t die. He’s only had a little bit to do in previous episodes. It would have been a shame for him to go out like that.

David isn’t doing much better trying to revive his wife’s memories. He brings her violets and talks to her but his best results come when his pager goes off and she seems to have a slight reaction to it.

Brandt’s kidnappers contact the CPB and demand $40,000,000 for Brandt. I know this is the future, but even with inflation that’s still quite a chunk of change. Farve reminds them that negotiating with kidnappers sets a dangerous precedent; Erenthal says there’s even a law that will give you 20 years for negotiating with a kidnapper. Okay, so if someone kidnaps my wife and demands money and I agree to pay it to get her back I risk 20 years in prison for it. Glad I don’t live in that future. But anyway, CPB is above the law so they agree to pay the ransom but of course plant a tracker on the money. The crooks scan the suitcase with the money and realize it has a tracker, so they shoot the suitcase instead. Stamping it "rejected" would have sufficed. Calley later complains that Erenthal was more concerned with protecting the money than getting Brandt back. I mean the nerve of some people, right?

David is then contacted by a cool wise-cracking chick who sets up a meeting between him and Nagle. Nagle oozes about the delicate creation of wine and Hume just guzzles it down in one gulp; he’s not exactly the cultural type. So Nagle offers him a super-enzyme, similar to the one that Olan had suggested might stimulate Olivia’s memory but about 500 times more potent. This one is rigged to self-destruct in two hours, but he’ll give him the long-lasting version if he’ll just – you know – kind of slip Brandt over to him. David has Olan run some tests on the enzyme and it seems to be the real deal. He contemplates trading off Brandt for the enzyme, but of course they need Brandt first.

Confident that David will deliver Brandt to him or that the kidnappers will kill Brandt (sort of a win/win for Nagle) Rekall tells the kidnappers to go take a flying leap. They call back the CPB and say the price has gone up to 50 mill. Erenthal skillfully negotiates it back down to 40, but they can’t use a tracker on the money now. He okays the plan and David and Ian manage to get Brandt back, but lose the money and the kidnappers. David then says, “Sorry, Ian” and shoots him with a stunner gun. Okay, he’s a traitor but he’s no dummy. Before he hands Brandt over to Rekall he wants to make sure the enzyme works. He hides Brandt in a box on a large cargo ship, until he can have Olan test the enzyme. He gets the OK from her and takes Rekall to the ship. But it turns out he’s not really a traitor; Ian is waiting there in ambush and they take down all of Rekall’s men except Nagle, whom David pursues. When he is cornered, David tells him he had no choice but to be taken in. But of course, he does have an alternative – suicide by cop. He aims his sophisticated sleeve gun that looks like it came right out of THE WILD, WILD WEST and shoots at David, who responds with a bullet to Nagle’s head. Well, unless Nagle has a clone, that’s the last we’ll see of him.

As we wrap up, the good news is not only is Morales upgraded to stable condition but Olivia seems to be recovering her memory. Or is she? Everything she tells David is something he already told her, she just sounds more enthused about it now. She does add the line that she remembers him going away a lot, but she could have gleaned that from the line he told her about calling his pager their birth control. Maybe she just figured – hey, he’s cute and I’m not getting any younger. Let’s fake it. Time will tell if her recovery is real. (Oh, I'm sure it is. But wouldn't it have been a hoot if David's dad had walked in and she had said, "Hey, orderly, get me and my husband some champagne." And then David had said, "No, he's not an orderly. He's..." and then she said, "I'm sorry. I meant Doctor!")

Random thoughts: Even today we have tracking devices and criminals try to elude them in clever ways. Seems in 2070 you just plant a tracker and hope the crooks don’t have a tracker detector. Since they did have one, they just put no tracker at all the second time. $40 million goes to the crooks because they can’t come up with some alternative like maybe slightly irradiating the money. Gee whiz.

It’s been a crazy week for me that I’d rather not go into detail on, so this is all I had time for. As for the show - a little slow in parts and heck, wasn’t that lucky that they had an enzyme to reverse Olivia’s amnesia? They should have gone for more realism – like having her get conked on the head. Everybody knows THAT’S how you cure amnesia! But I’ll still give it 8 bouquets of violets, which don’t always spark memories but at least usually smell nice.


by brimfin » Farve reminds them that negotiating with kidnappers sets a dangerous precedent

Glad to know that in 2070 a "precedent" hadn't been set yet. But then they go and set it.

Random thoughts: Even today we have tracking devices and criminals try to elude them in clever ways. Seems in 2070 you just plant a tracker and hope the crooks don’t have a tracker detector. Since they did have one, they just put no tracker at all the second time. $40 million goes to the crooks because they can’t come up with some alternative like maybe slightly irradiating the money. Gee whiz.

The cops were stupid, but then the criminal wasn't any smarter.

Kidnapper - "40 million. No trackers this time. One man brings it."
Martin - "Two men!"
Kidnapper - "Uh... OK.... Wait a minute. Why do you need two men just to carry one briefcase?"
Martin - "Do you have any idea how much 40 million weigh?"
Kidnapper - "Huh, nope."
Martin - "Good. Because it's a very heavy briefcase and it takes two men to carry it."
Kidnapper - "OK then, I guess... But hey, no guns!"
Martin - "No guns, sure. You have my word."

In the end it's two men WITH guns.


Who are you referring to as the Captain? I'm not sure Martin is a captain

It seems that he is listed as Hume’s superior or boss depending on the web site. I don’t know if they ever gave him a title. I was just going by what is usual in U.S. police series. If you are just a lead detective you are in the bullpen with the other officers. If you are above captain you are moved upstairs and don’t interact with the bullpen officers unless something hits the fan. The captain is the one that has an office that looks out at the bullpen. I don’t even know if this is true in a real police station. Think Barney Miller? So I have no idea if he is a captain but I do have an idea that I may have watched too many police dramas through the years.


by lorkris » It seems that he is listed as Hume’s superior or boss depending on the web site. I don’t know if they ever gave him a title. I was just going by what is usual in U.S. police series.

OK. I was just trying to figure out if you were referring to Martin "Complicated Last Name to Spell" or Calley. Speaking of whom, what would you say is "Representative of the Assessor's Office" equivalent to?


Some observations about this weeks show;
The Olivia memory thing is puzzling. Olivia was a construct person constructed by Rekall so why should she have any memory of her life with David once the implant is removed? Of course she doesn't seem to have memory of Carol either , her true persona , so maybe that has been erased when she became Olivia.
So the restorative she took would work on recently destroyed memory cells i.e. her life with David.
It's still possible that her earlier persona might come back as well, which could put David in a awkward position. I'm not sure his marriage to her is legal,you can't marry someone who doesn't really exist.
Though I imagine rekall provided necessary documentation to establish her as real.
I'm not sure Nagel deserved to die or even be betrayed by Hume ,he was a slimy pain but the CPB had nothing on him ,his death smacks of judicial murder.
Hume shooting Favre was I presume a set up worked between them ,it was a nice little twist ,a good episode again,


"Representative of the Assessor's Office" equivalent to

Seems like a mix of FBI, CIA and the SS.
My question is: I don’t get where the power lays in this future. I get the impression that Rekall had a lot of control over the CPB. I also get that the Assessor’s office has a lot of power. I believe the Assessor’s office is government run. So are Rekall and the Assessor’s office vying for power or is Calley a lone wolf and going after them more than he is supposed to. I know at the start of the series Calley had a personal grudge against the Collector but they killed the storyline by removing the Collector. I think we are supposed to feel a dark, brooding tension between these entities but they have not given us enough information to understand the dynamics.


"Representative of the Assessor's Office" equivalent to

by lorkris » Seems like a mix of FBI, CIA and the SS.

Yes, I was thinking "Gestapo Man."


In this one we're reintroduced to Brandt and Nagle. Brandt is essentially in a form of protective custody because he's going to testify on CBP's case. He's kidnapped and held for ransom by some unknown entity. We cut back to Olivia and she's still in the hospital and still has amnesia. Mr. Nagle is reintroduced and we see he's at odds with the CPB to get Brandt. The CPB has to give $40 million to the kidnappers to get Brandt back so the chief sends Hume and Farve out with a tracking device. The kidnappers pick up on the tracking device and shoot at it and scare away Farve and Hume.

Meanwhile Olan is working on some kind of protein stimulator for Oliva but fears it's too weak to do much good. Mr. Nagle from recall meets with Hume and shows him a more powerful protein strain that will cure Oliva. In exchange Nagle wants Hume to give him Brandt.

Hume and Farve meet with kidnappers a second time and they give them the money and get Brandt back in return. In a shocking twist Hume stuns Farve and makes off to do the switch with Nagle. Hume meets up with Nagle. Hume does a switcheroo and double crosses Nagle and we see Farve get into the action as they take down Nagle and his crew. I think there was also a move in there where they get the money back from the kidnappers. Hume goes back to the hospital and finds that Olivia is back to normal and everything is fine.

Random thoughts:

*This was a good one with some good twists and turns.

*There's a lack of continuity on this show and we see it with Nagle and Brandt. When was the last time we saw those guys?? I was trying to remember their storyline for the first 20 minutes.

*This show is so damn dark visually that's it's hard to make out what's going on or people's faces.

*I forget how Hume captures the kidnappers and gets the money back because there was so much going on.

*Nagle should have been used much more often on this show because he made a good villain.

*It seems like they had 4-5 two part episodes in mind when they made this show.

Good episode, i give it a 8/10
