MovieChat Forums > Spark (1998) Discussion > Lil White boy stalks black couple

Lil White boy stalks black couple

This was 1 of of those funny guilty pleasure movies. The young wigger laid on the charm so heavy, complete with a sob story of mother's death, that it intrigues viewers to wonder what is he up to. I started thinking maybe he has jungle fever and maybe he's a booty bandit. There is a halarious exchange midmovie where the blonde makes an indecent proposal for Terrencegetting his car back. The viewer is not prevy to the details, but instead we get the ultra macho Terrence whispering to his lovely fiance' that he's got it covered, don't worry, he'll be right back. This coupled with all the earlier leanings makes it seem like the movie is turning into Broke Back Brutha. I recommend seeing this. Mooney steals the show as the immature loner who has reoccurring phony chuckle and is so typical that he comes across as familiar.
