Who thinks Aina Sahalin is fit?

Most anime girlls look dum but I reckon Aina is really beautiful. What u think?



You liked Gineas!!! How can you like that jerk!??

"The voices in my head don't like you very much!"


Gineas showed his crazed evil side towards the end. While Norris , Aina's father figure, is misguided by fighting for a wrong cause like the Zeon.


I personaly thought Aina was lacking in character development and paled in comparison to such a dynamic, interesting character like Shiro (then again, this is typical of "supporter females" in anime). On the looks side, she's a bit "raggedy" looking, but she's more modest in appearence than a lot of other "fan service" i.e. "eye candy" females. On the positive side, she's definately a good fighter although I don't put much emphasis on battling ability as much as plot,character development, and (english)voice acting ability, and she's much more level headed and calm then most suporter females, with a strong sense of responsability.

"Escalators can never break, they just become stairs."- Mitch Hedberg


Because some of us like characters not because they're nice, but because they're human. Ghinius is far from everyone's cup of tea, but to some behind all the nasty things he does he's one of the most tragically human antagonists in the Universal Century. And unfortunately, some people relate to him and his situation in more ways than one.
