What's Your Favorite Quote?

Mine is that little grouch girl."Soggy Sandy wets her pants,that's why they call her soggy.Watch her do her soggy dance,and after you'll get wet!"

Live your life so the preacher won't have to lie at your funeral.


"You look like a million yucks!"


Itr;s against the law to use shampoo,so we wash with cheese!

-----Satan is a nerd.-----


"What are you doing, Bug?"
"I'm just touching Elmo's blanket"
"Whose blanket!?!"

Then I love love that whole "I See It, Take It and I Make It Mine" song!!!

Also, I get a truly sad feeling when Elmo gets mad at Zoey, because things like that happen sometimes and it's interesting to see Elmo as flawed with all his pathos, haha.


"Also, I get a truly sad feeling when Elmo gets mad at Zoey, because things like that happen sometimes and it's interesting to see Elmo as flawed with all his pathos, haha."

I don't know why, but I read that in Elmo's voice, with his laugh at the end.



"If there's gum and poop within your shoe, you can bet you've stepped in Grouchland....."

"...... I'd take a weed-whacker to those eye-brows....."



Gordon: "Hey! Can we get some water in here?"
[Bucketful in the face]
Gordon: [drenched] "Thanks."



You're making me fall behind on my work here

