Eek, the JHP LOGO!!

When I first saw this logo at this movie, it freaked me out. Kermit and the camera's silhouette against the dusk sky just looks like a monster, and the crane-drop gag doesn't really help much. I'm a teen now and still try to avoid it as much as possible. But sometimes I still accidentally encounter it. Like, just tonight, I looked at the photos on Buddy's (you know, the 1997 monkey movie) page on IMDb, and some guy had gone and posted a still of the JIM HENSON PICTURES LOGO in the photo album for some reason. I had to get off of it as fast as I could and come here. I love Kermit and all, but as for the logo he "stars" in, just no.


Sorry, my oldest nephew, Carlos, decided he'd grab my Kindle Fire while I wasn't looking, get on the message boards here, and pose as a teen who's scared of the Jim Henson Pictures logo, a logo that isn't scary. I'm so sorry.



Dunno if this person's trolling or not, either way...

