The saw and the bull..

I understand, Frank Jr. Jr. had a deal with the bounty hunters, but was the saw planted, as a trap to find deserters? It just seems pretty specific that he was in the creek with his bull right at that moment..if it was planned out, pretty creative, I gotta say. Otherwise I assume he just found them by chance and invited them to his home, knowing he'd get money for them.


I literally JUST thought about this today for the first time. I've seen this movie probably four or five times over the years and always thought the saw was honest-to-goodness just left there on the rock accidentally by someone. But, yeah, it makes way more sense that Frank Jr. Jr. (ha!) left it there as an elaborate beginning to the con. It always did seem a little too perfect that he just happened to be there with something that badly needed a good sawin'. And then he immediately offers PSH some moonshine, to make him more vulnerable? Yeah. Set-up.


The saw was left intentionally several miles away over rivers and mountains as bait, so that they would end up exactly at this man's property (where else?) where he also managed to set up a dead bull to saw apart, as bait, which he anxiously waits next to day and in and day out month after month for random travelers who steal saws to come across.

He is the ultimate mastermind... Strategically planting dead animals and saws dozens of miles apart over wildernesses for random strangers to come across. I just feel bad for him always having to pretend to push a dead bull every day of his life.


It was never specified how far away the saw was found from the creek. And it's possible that he got the idea to plant it after his bull died, knowing that if anyone were to find and keep the saw, it would be deserters, who most likely have no supplies on them. I believe he implied at some point that the bull had been dead for a few days.

Besides, offering someone supper for helping with a deed he can't do on his own, makes someone seem a lot more trustworthy, and easier for him to lure them into his home. Rather than just wandering through the woods until you meet a random traveler, and offer them some moonshine, and a place to stay, during a time when harboring deserters was punishable by death. People weren't exactly friendly to passing strangers with a war going on..


Well we don't know exactly how far they traveled, but from the scenes of mountains to rivers and the obvious passing of time while he hauls the saw around gives us some indication. Perhaps the guy left dozens of saws all over the county! After all, who is to say they'll find a saw (not a large object) in the wilderness in the exact spot he left it. That wouldn't be much of a plan! And still, to find a random saw hidden in the wilderness and come across his exact spot with the bull. There had to have been dozens of saws and bulls both I suspect. I still feel bad for the guy constantly pretending to push a dead bull for when deserters come wandering by and spying on him.

It's a crafty plan for sure. Deserters would never ask random people for a hot meal and would most definitely turn down some poon unless they were tricked into it. If the need ever arises I now know how to trick people if I find myself in a vast wilderness.



I agree it just happened that the bull died in the creek and the saw was there. Out there in the wilderness you never know what you'll find and being half starved if someone invites you to eat you don't refuse. What a horrid time to leave though not knowing who to trust. Those women were so discussing grabbing PSH at the table and the other two fighting over Inman. That guy kicked his (wife) in the face like he didn't know what was going on. I guess that went on but it's hard to
