MovieChat Forums > Cold Mountain (2003) Discussion > Kidman ruins yet another promising film!

Kidman ruins yet another promising film!

Why do I even bother watching this no-talent bag of empty? I will learn my lesson.


Agreed, her "southern accent" pisses me off, really SHE was the best choice.


Yeah. I have to say, she does nothing for me in this movie, though I found her slightly more tolerable than in say, Far and Away.

I really wish they had cast Jennifer Connelly in this role.


Hey Kidman haters - if you refer to the first dude who said she sucked there's 11 pages of disagreement. Her performance was amazing and she's a great actor.


You're completely daft. She's one of the greatest actresses ever.


I thought she did a good job in the role but I wasn't a fan of her chemistry with Law

"Troubled childhood? If you consider a 9 year old kid with a 35 year old girlfriend troubled."


Not her fault. She was miscast and the costuming and makeup was so wrong. They should have tried to have her wearing no makeup at all.

All her dresses were so out of character. Fancy with numerous bonnets. The director recognized this and tried to mess her up more digitally post production but it couldn't be done. How could they make such a big mistake.

She was wrong in Far and Away and Australia too though that one should have been a natural for her. She was too prissy and uptight in all roles. Such a cliche.


I'm not a hater, I think Nicole is a good actress. She's better in roles that play off her cold, cool persona, like To Die For. I don't buy her as a romantic lead, and certainly not as a shy Southern ingenue.

Plus, for Cold Mountain, she just seemed too old (pushing 40?) to play the character.


Hi bingobastard,

I agree with you, Kidman is fine in the right film, but she was miscast in this film. All of the principals were too mature. They needed an earthy actress with great inner warmth who was in her early twenties or late teens for the role. To be honest, Zellweger was too mature too and played the role too broadly. The character was only 19 in the book.


Her obvious highlights and freakishly tall thin body took me out of the movie when she was with the other townswomen who all had faces scrubbed free of makeup and plain brown hair. I like her as an actress but I think this would have been a better film without her.


5'11" is freakishly tall now?


For 1860s she was freakishly tall, especially in that scene in church or at a gathering (I don't remember which), where she is sitting with her obviously highlighted hair next to a group of women who look like they are from the 1860s


I think Kidman and Law were woefully miscast in this film, Kidman especially. She was too old to play the prim preacher's daughter. A 35+ year old woman in those days would long be considered a spinster and not ideal marriage material for a man. Her age was very distracting.


I agree with this. I like Kidman and she can be really great (Moulin Rouge!, The Others etc.) but she was just too old for this role and her look wasn't right. Jude Law was good, he looks younger and he's good choice IMO. But Ada, IDK, some actress in her early-mid twenties with more 'natural' look/beauty.


I really liked the cast of this film. I personally think Nicole Kidman did a great job as Ada, my only complaint is that she was a bit old. She was in her mid 30's when this was filmed and I found that a little bit distracting since I'm sure a woman of her age and stature at the time would be married.

I thought Jude Law was perfect and though his screen time with Kidnas was limited, I thought they had chemistry.
