MovieChat Forums > Sex and the City (1998) Discussion > Anyone else think Samantha and Richard W...

Anyone else think Samantha and Richard Wright...

... should have stayed together because they were prefect for each other??

Everytime I watch those episodes, I feel like Richard was her perfect match. He had everything going on. Its also funny how she wasn't much into monogamy, until she met him but then became ridiculously insecure with him.

But when she left, I felt like dang, she didn't actually catch him cheating. He just seemed just like her.


Ugh, no. I'm not one of those and I'm truly glad they didn't.

You are of course entitled to your opinion, you're not the only one. There's been plenty of people saying the same. But to me he was this sleazy businessman whom you really couldn't trust.

She gave him the painting with the hearts, Samantha's way of saying 'I love you', but he didn't even seem to appreciate it, judging by the look when he got it. He left it laying for days, which made her suspicious. Does "The Raquel Welch wig line" ring a bell? She found him - and his head - between a woman's legs, so he sure cheated on her.

And despite that it was quite a funny scene, seeing her running 11 floors in a pearl thong, it's really tragic when you think about it. And I doubt that he wouldn't have cheated with the hotel maid as well.

I personally think that Samantha was capable of being monogamous, but with the right person. James would've been a good choice if it wasn't... yes, you know why. Smith was the right man for her at the right time, too bad it didn't last.


I agree, beja. I think the PROBLEM was that Richard was too much like her. I wouldn't find it believable if two people who weren't into monogamy suddenly were for each other. I agree that Samantha could be monogamous in the right situation, so I don't see their relationship working if it was an open relationship where they were each other's main partner but they were okay with sleeping around.

And sure Samantha didn't catch him cheating in Atlantic City, but it seemed obvious he would cheat again and she knew it and couldn't accept it. Richard had been sleeping around for decades and I understand it's hard to go monogamous just for someone else, not because he personally wanted to. I also like all of them ended up with guys that weren't like them or weren't what they were expecting in a partner. Samantha revels being attention grabbing, loud mouthed, shocking, and memorable. I think having two people like that is too much.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


You're right, they were too much alike. We never saw anything of Richard's prior life, but I'm sure he had slept around for decades, just like you say. Personally I don't believe in the "open relationship" thing, (unless it's solely because of financial interests) and haven't got any proof at any time (friends etc.) that it actually works, there's always someone who'll end up hurt. And being partners both in bed and in business, isn't the best of ideas.

And you're spot on, he tried to be monogamous for her, but not because he personally wanted to. But the difference is, when you think about it, is that every time Samantha did fall in love (I'm thinking James, Dominic, prior Richard) she didn't want to sleep around, she wanted a monogamous relationship.

And yes, I loved that they ended up with guys that weren't the ones they were looking for, or the ones they were expecting. And neither did we :)


I would agree with this. I didn't want them to end up together. Richard cheated on her! And he was likely going to do it again. I think the point of their relationship was to show that Samantha DID want a good relationship, with the right person. She thought that the two of them would get along great because they had such similar attitudes, but she realized that's not what she wanted. She didn't necessarily want a monogamous relationship in general, it's not like that's what she was looking for. But she cared about Richard enough to not want to sleep with anyone else.


The thing is though, with Richard, she didn't seem to be Samantha. He wasn't the first man she loved, but her actions were not congruent with any part of her personality. With James, she wasn't afraid to tell him that she loved him and even entertained the Idea of marriage. From what was shown she was with him for quite some time even after finding out about his short-comings.Thought she was jonesing to get laid she never even considered sleeping with anyone. She even went to couples counseling and only ended it when faced with the idea of continuing. That Samantha was not the same Samantha we saw with Richard.She wasn't afraid of love just not searching for it.The Samantha with Richard was very against the idea of loving and it took a weak moment on drugs to tell him. Then when she finally accepts that she loves him she buys him a painting of hearts?....The only man on that show that would hang it up would have been Smith or maybe Aiden. I couldn't even imagine Charlotte doing something like that. Can you imagine if Carrie handed him a painting of hearts, he would instantly laugh at it or react in a perplexed manner. She became clingy, paranoid and pathetic. It didn't feel genuine and very unlike Samantha.


Hey Happy, yes, he most certainly cheated on her! And he would do it again. There are two scenes I almost can't watch in the show, and they both include Richard. The first is the one I mentioned, and the other is when Samantha went along with Richard at the party he hosted, when Smith was invited. He's repulsive, seriously, ugh!

I agree, I don't think that Sam had any intentions at first to be in a relationship with him and due to their similar attitudes, I think she thought he'd be perfect. But in all honesty, it was Richard who led her on to it, with the dinner at the pool, dancing to Sade. She was the one who tried to keep the distance and just being partners in business and in bed, but Richard wouldn't even want her to touch him, which I think in Samantha's head meant that he wanted a serious relationship. Exclusively.

It's one thing to have the attitude when being burned, once or twice, that a monogamous relationship wasn't for her. But just like you say, those times she did fall in love, she wanted it to be exclusive, every time. Being independent, liberated and pretty cocky was her flagship so to speak, but now she became uncertain and quite clingy, which isn't so strange really. In those monogamous relationships she have had in the past, she got constant affirmations, but with Richard, it wasn't the same. Fancy gifts won't replace words, or a plane ride to Rio for that matter, so I really understand her uncertainty.


No! On paper Richard may have seemed perfect for her but he was a cheater and it is very hard for a strong woman to stay with a cheater. A man does not tell you he loves you and then has sex with another woman. A man that really loves you does not want to be with anyone but you. Samantha is very smart. She's been through a lot with men. She had a gut feeling that he was cheating before she had proof and she was right! She knew she had to follow her instincts the second time. Plus, it's better to be happy and alone than be with someone and miserable and that is where she was heading.


Well, we're clearly in the minority here, but I agree with you, OP.

The fact that Sam dumped Smith because she essentially didn't want to be in a relationship (largely because of the monogamy) is all the more reason why I wish she could have had that revelation when Richard was still around, and why they're perfect for each other. It's like they rewrote her character for the Richard plot (into someone who wanted exclusivity all of the sudden, when sleeping around was her favorite thing), then rewrote her AGAIN in the movies because they realized it was unrealistic for someone to pull such a 180.

So even though I don't fault her for leaving Richard because (at the time) she couldn't bear the thought he'd cheat on her again, I do still feel like Richard is the love of Sam's life, and they only had her say that line to Smith about how he meant more to her than any man as fan-service because he was the really hot and really sweet guy who shaved his head for her.
