Long pink and amazing

Wow!! They could not have picked a better woman to play Samantha Jones.


Kim Cattrall was born for this role, I agree.

"What you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how can a billion Chinese people be wrong?"


My husband is no fan of the show, but he loved Samantha. So did I. She had a lot of sex, but she was ethical about who she slept with, which is more than I can say for Carrie. Good for her. And Cattrall should have gotten combat pay for the amount of nudity she did.


What do you mean when you say she was ethical in terms of who she slep with?


Oh here we go. Charlton has a huge problem with Samantha


Oh Good Lord here we go......

"What you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how can a billion Chinese people be wrong?"


I know, your right. I am bit harsh to a women that knowingly slept with married men and went around for over 30+ Years sleeping with hundreds of men and women and occasionally random strangers all the while never having an AIDS test.Perhps I should do like others and like her just because she knows how to party and is funny and commits the rare good deed in between her regularly inconsiderate and often crude actions. I need to learn how to disregard my morals so I can like this hedonistic trollop.
I have a big problem Samantha ? At least have some standards and don't blind myself to the truth of this character, I can't lower my bar of decency to like you and other posters.
Do you not understand or have the ability to post replies to the person you are trying write to?


If it's any consolation, I've never liked Samantha either.


Lol, I just do not understand people when it comes to this character. They act like I am being unreasonably critical of her. Everything I've said about is true and I cant understand why it is wrong of me to not like the character.


She wasn't always ethical though. She slept with married men. (Knowing they were married.)


I think that her character was fun and exciting. But yes she sleep with many men...some of them married.


I think that her character was fun and exciting.

Oh, well since she is fun and exciting that balances out her overall vile behavior.


It's vile of a married person to cheat, but it's not a single person who wants a casual encounter to be responsible to keep other people monogamous.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Well, In order for the married person to commit the act the single person(knowing the person is married)has to be a willing participant. Nice try, the single person is still just as wrong, takes two to tango.


If there weren't married men/women that didn't honor the vows that THEY took it really wouldn't matter if there were single people willing to sleep with someone that is married. If my husband cheated on me I'd be far more upset and hurt by him, not some stranger that doesn't owe me a thing.

Even if there weren't any single people willing to participate, there are still prostitutes and people that are unaware that the person is married - whose fault is it then?

If Sam didn't sleep with a lot of people but she had the same personality I would still like her. Who she chooses to sleep with has nothing to do with that.


*that honored the vows that THEY took*


Um, what? Are you seriously giving her a pass for knowingly sleeping with married men? I never said that the spouse who committed the act was any less wrong, but it certainly says something about the participant who knowing goes and had sex with married people. I am not sure what your point is really, Smantha was wrong and there is no more to say on it. she was morally wrong and was a selfish inconsiderate whore, no more. Who she slept with revealed the type of person she is and what sh was capable of, that's why Charlottte did not want her anywhere near her brother. The three friends did not respect her ways a rightfully looked down on them and her. It does matter if a single person decides to participate in infidelity as it makes them just as bad. And prostitutes? That's not even a decent arguments, but at least they are trying to make a living. Her actions were a reflection of her personality, can't separate the two.


If my husband cheated on me I'd be far more upset and hurt by him, not some stranger that doesn't owe me a thing.

Well yeah because only your partner can betray you. It's not like Samantha ever seemed like she would cheat on her friend's boyfriends. Like she said to Charlotte, wedding rings come off, so if she has a one night stand and knows the man is married and Charlotte has a one night stand and doesn't know, it seems to have the same result. People who want to cheat are going to cheat, and those people shouldn't be in marriages, it's not everyone else's responsibility to uphold stranger's marriages, only those involved.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


That is a very warped sense of morality and responsibility.


Well, leave it to Moonlighty to warp something as simple as the morality of not sleeping with married people, in the most idiotically convoluted way possible.


If my husband cheated on me I'd be far more upset and hurt by him, not some stranger that doesn't owe me a thing.

Well yeah because only your partner can betray you. It's not like Samantha ever seemed like she would cheat on her friend's boyfriends. Like she said to Charlotte, wedding rings come off, so if she has a one night stand and knows the man is married and Charlotte has a one night stand and doesn't know, it seems to have the same result.

I guess there're more people than Moonli who have a "warped view". Jack said the same and I agree with both of them. People who want to cheat are going to cheat anyway (as in the bolded part in the quote) and those people shouldn't be married. People lie. Like it or not, but it's not everyone else's responsibility to uphold stranger's marriages, just like Moonli and Jack said.


This is stupid. You are jumping over truth and picking extremes. Would I be mad at my husband and not the person he slept with if he cheated? Yes. Does that mean it's ok to knowingly sleep with married men because "it's not your responsibility to uphold strangers' marriage?" That is a bunch of double talk which doesn't even hold water and therefore doesn't bear response, but to jump to the conclusion that you have, nothing you say makes it morally permissible to knowingly sleep with a married person.



So you experienced the hurt that occurs from cheating and yet you did the same to another. If it occurred after you hooked up with a married individual it very well was poetic justice that the same happened to you.


You're a freak, seriously, you just don't know when to stop. I won't share anything on this board as long as you are here, making false accusations and being rude. And I'll delete my post. It's okay to disagree with the thoughts or opinions expressed by other people. But that doesn't give you the right to deny any sense they might make. Nor does it give you a right to accuse someone because you don't like what they are saying.

You seem to have taken on some kind of moral compass on this forum, and it's getting REALLY tiring.



Thank you. beja-4 For pointing out the huge elephant in the room! Finally!
I agree every word you wrote.
She is a TROLL, and a vindictive sad nasty one, whose only interest is putting down others to make herself feel superior! She has issues! And she's taking it out on random posters because she's "stuck in the hell of her own making"!
I won't share anything here as well, if the administrators don't deal with trolls, then the forum is no good.


And thank you chrisolliever, that really made my day! Yes Charlton is odd, although she is a he, which doesn't make things any better. Clearly has issues and you're right about feeling superior. Seems to get worse by the hour. I just read the other thread, and you've had your share of him too, jeez, it's... just too much.

I was uncertain at first if deleting my post was the best way to go, but why put yourself out there for people to be rude about? And you've convinced me. I hope the admins will do something about it. Thanks again! 😊


Beja, you are truly pathetic. What are the administrators going to do? Delete my posts simply because I speak my mind?I see that individuals like you only get upset when you are in the wrong. I have no superiority issues, I say what I feel.
So, What have I said that wrong?


You're welcome.😄


1.Im not a chick
2.Troll, so because I say what you don't want to hear, i'm a troll.
3.I do not put down others to make myself feel better, you do a good job of doing that yourself.
4.Who am I vindictive against?


Ever since you questioned my marriage status I know there's something off of you.
It's not your business and it doesn't affect the legitimacy of comments one can bring on the table.
You're using your twisted version of Charlotte as an "immature" symbol to attack my personality and then I ignored your comments responded to mine, and you just couldn't stop obsessing berating me in a sophisticated way that seemingly talking about the subjects but it's only purpose was to insult me. That, you think I don't know?
I can see through you troll. I've encountered numerous posters to not knowing what you're doing. It's not my fault your knowledge of the show is less than mine.
Swallow your ego into your stomach! No one cares!


I do not need to use any indirect means to question your maturity or knowledge, that was apparent in your writing. I was not intending to insult, I was pointing out the obvious.I asked your narriage status because I you seem to not understand that Charlotte was at fault for a lot of things in her marriage to Trey.A person who takes marriage more seriously would have worked through the problems they had. You also are missing the irony of your words while you berate me for thinking that I know everything and have a big ego, yet you love to boast about how much of an expert you are of the show. lol, people like you are very amusing.You betray yourself with your words and you do not even realize it.


I love to boast about how much of an expert I am of the show...?

You're so not a reflective person. You're the first one told me to rewatch the show again. It's in your first comment responded to mine.

I would recommend watching the show a again because there are major points that that never occurred.

And when I asked what major points and you just couldn't because you DON'T know the show!
Just like beja-4 mentioned above, false accusation again and again.


LOl, you pathetic piece of crap.I did indeed mention the areas you were wrong. just like Beja, you are an idiot.Also, you would choose to side with a person like Beja, just to gang up on me? Have some intergri....never mind.


Right. I'm a piece of idiotic crap whose arguments are still better than your nonsense full of false accusations and malevolent insinuation.

Bye hateful troll. I'm done feeding you.


Lol, keep thinking that.


I know, hopefully people that are around them are aware of the amoral/immoralleanings so they know who not to trust.I can't believe ANYONE would have the gull to say that.It's almost like the politician who said "If rape is inevitable, just lay back and enjoy". Hopefully these people are the few of society. Perhaps Carrie should have said that to Natasha "Hey, don't be mad at me, Big would have eventually slept with someone else. Then people try to justify it by pointing out that others share the same view, they are just as effed up as the others. Moral justification by numbers, lol.


I can't believe these responses. Serious lack of connection.


You don't believe it because you have a very limited, close minded perspective in life and can't fathom anyone disagreeing with you and that anyone who does is just wrong and it's never you or a different of opinion.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


That was a whole lot of made-up stuff. Haha.


You don't believe it because you have a very limited, close minded perspective

I would regard that as a compliment that you cant fathom or have the perspective that these people have, who are essentially supporting the act of sleeping with married people. If it's close-minded to think single people who sleep with married individuals are just reprehensible, then so be it.


Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you.

Indeed...I could not have said it better myself. I think I just somewhat gave up with that poster.


I cannot believe what I am reading.I am not trying to be mean..actually I don't care if it sounds mean, but of all the stupid/deplorable things you've said, this takes the cake. I know you don't care,but I didn't think my opinion of you could get any lower. You can have opinions but know that we are pointing out the you and you're two other posters opinions are indeed wrong.


I am really shocked by the amount of people who are not holding the "other woman" responsible for her actions. A woman who knows the man she is sleeping with a married man is just as guilty for contributing to the affair.


The "other woman" didn't promise anyone she would be faithful so she's not guilty of anything.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


But it's wrong because the "other woman" is participating in an act that hurts another person.If she does not know then it is not her fault. But having the knowledge and participating in the affair does not look good, that is why they are called homewreckers. A good person would not want to sleep with a married man or woman because it would hurt someone else, it is just not right. The promise aspect does not really make ant sense, so what if she is not promised, do not sleep with married people.


It's hard to talk to this poster. A real    situation. Is what she wrote not the most stupid thing you've ever heard?



Ha, paranoid much beja,glad to see you still think of me.


What is your problem?


I should have read his other replies in this thread before writing. He is very hostile and agressive.




Weird, it seemed like she toned down her bitchiness recently but it always comes back to the surface. I really don't understand some people, what values or lack of values did their parents raise them to follow? I like this show, but it seems to have attracted the scum of society. How is not sleeping with married I individuals even an argument? I guess there has to be people out there that are like that in order for affairs to happen.




I don't know why the messages do the whole not nesting properly. This is the last thing I will say on the topic to not beat a dead horse, but I find the whole thing perplexing on multiple levels. Nobody is perfect and all of us have things that we've done that we regret. But what it looks like with these people is that they are taking their transgressions and to avoid guilt playing the whole "not judging" crap. We grow when as people when you reconise the wrong we did and take charge of it, not to deny the wrong or downplay it.


VERY well said...and yes I was super confused. Haha. Finally got the replies figured out.



UnREAL. unbelievable.


Now it seems the administrator has deleted my post that said that Beja deleted the posts in which sh admitted to being a mistress to a married man. Seriously, this censoring people who do not violate any rules is ridiculous. Perhaps I did hit a nerve with the administrator. Indeed, unreal and unbelievable. So now we live in a world were those with decent values are silenced while degenerates can preach their filth with no shame.


I guess we do. And definitely looks like we got a homewrecker admin here or something, because like you said, how exactly did either of us violate any T&C?

I am speechless. I at least snuck in a cuss word but your post literally has nothing that merited deletion.

Like your story, I have been deleted for confronting a horrible trollish poster who'd just post absurdly vitriolic and inflammatory stuff all the time and I somewhat met his vitriol and I get deleted. I answer Moonlighty and her usual rudeness in another thread with a clear but firm correct answer to the misinformation she was spewing about me and in general, and I get deleted.

I'm somewhat used to being on the admin's bad side from the old days but like you said, now it is straight up censorship having nothing to do with the T&C. I've reported posters for actual violations and nothing happens.


They are called homewreckers because people are sexist and blame women for things more than men.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.



Now she is using feminism to justify the effed up behavior, how low can you go.


And I get deleted...


Yeah, I saw that too. I think some of the administrators have a bias as there was absolutely nothing in your post to warrant deletion. A little over a year ago I had an argument with someone making not so subtle racists comments and I called him a retard, my post was deleted.


They are called homewreckers because people are sexist and blame women for things more than men.

I don't see the sexism. Are you implying that men do not get blamed when cheating? You do not make any sense. You are not directly talking about the issue and are making up stupid excuses. A good person does not sleep people that are wed. From what I see you do not seem like a good person if you are saying there is nothing wrong with sleeping with people who are married or in a relationship.


People who want to cheat are going to cheat, and those people shouldn't be in marriages, it's not everyone else's responsibility to uphold stranger's marriages, only those involved.


I really like your car Mrs. Larusso!


So, you would not see the error in yourself for sleeping with an individual you knew was married. Sure, the guy may find someone else, but you could live with the fact that you contributed to the hurt of another. Seriously think about it. Imagined you were asked about it and the answer you gave was that it was not your responsibility.If your family found out you were sleeping with married men? If god asked you for an explanation and you said, "Well, not my responsibility". Do you not see the moral error in what you are suggesting.


I'm also shaking my head at some of the responses here. The argument seems to be that the responsibility of upholding a marriage or relationship lies with the two people in the relationship. That in and of itself is true. I am not denying that. But that DOES NOT MEAN you shouldn't be a decent human being and CHOOSE not to sleep with someone you know is in a relationship. Why is this so hard to understand? If my partner cheated with someone (who knew that he was in a relationship), of course I would be more pissed at my partner. But I'd be pissed at both. There's no way I would think "oh she may be a wonderful and nice woman". No, she's a woman who knowingly slept with someone who is in a relationship.



No matter how you try to bend it or say it's an opinion or perspective, wrong is wrong. A person who knowingly sleeps with a married individual is WRONG. The crap you are saying does not make any sense no matter how you spin it. You have the nerve to try and come across like you want sympathy."Oh happy, it so easy to judge",Lol.


If god asked you for an explanation and you said,

Oh please Charlton. Take your god with you and just sod off. Seriously.




Personally, I won't do it again. That is for certain. Still, the reason isn't the other wo/man, but the man or woman, who wants to cheat when being in a relationship.

God, do you not understand the crap you say? Geez, you only wouldn't repeat the offence because of the cheating person. Are you that short-sighted or cruel to not consider the hurt that would come to the spouse? Does that make sense? no, it shouldn't make sense to anyone that has empathy or compassion and self respect.Shameful


I am amazed at how many people are actually think this. The justifications, if one can call them that, in no way make it right. I guess I am a bit naive, lol, xand I was already cynical about society. The only situation can somewhat understand is if both parties in the marriage are finished with each other and are only legally married but have moved on to separate lives,even then I still look at it as questionable.
The explanations these people give make them look selffish and inconsiderate. It does not matter if you do not know the spouse, it is a reflection on you as a person. I often wonder how some people kept giving Samantha a pass,now I know. In this issue, there is no opinion or perspectives or being judgmental, those are excuses people are using to justify behavior they know is wrong.



Samantha was not ethical about who she slept with. She slept with married men knowing they were married. I would justify Carrie's affair with Big more than Samantha sleeping with married men, as at least in Carrie's case, this was actually someone she loved. Samantha was just looking to get her next cheap thrill and didn't care about the guys or their wives whom she was hurting. It was all about Samantha and her orgasm.


Careful, they will say you have a huge problem with Samantha.lol


All of these are valid points about Samantha. No one is denying that

I think the earlier posts were tongue in cheek. Just a bit of banter.

"What you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how can a billion Chinese people be wrong?"


I agree with this. You could say that the single partner in an affair or sexual liaison has no obligation to the married partner's spouse, but people with integrity don't behave that way. An ethical woman wouldn't want to inflict pain on another woman, especially one with children, just as she wouldn't want it done to her. Charlotte articulated this clearly. Yes, wedding rings come off, and that is why you should make very sure your lover isn't married before you sleep with him. It isn't reasonable to say 'he would have cheated with someone else anyway', even though it is probably true. It was very likely true in Big's case, as he was a serial cheater and was unhappy in his current marriage.

Had I been Carrie, I wouldn't have run away after being caught by Natasha. I would have told her that Big was bored with her and if it hadn't been her (Carrie), it would have been someone else. Cruel but true, and Natasha needed to hear that. But Carrie could never, ever expect forgiveness or understanding from Natasha. That's life. Carrie could have avoided the fall-out from their affair, and possibly married Big much sooner if she had insisted he separate from Natasha first.

But it's just moral relativism to justify sleeping with married men on the grounds that they are cheaters anyway. You might as well justify any crime or moral transgression in the same way. It reflects badly on your character.

There are also practical reasons for not sleeping with married men, and this was depicted very explicitly. Women will hate you and will gang up on you. Samantha was socially isolated as a consequence of sleeping with Shippy Shipman's husband, and it could have ruined her business. She was rehabilitated by John Kennedy jr/Leonardo diCaprio, but sooner or later, it would have happened again.


Amen, very good post! You said it better than I did.Moral relativism is the concept that I was attempting to explain. The only thing I would be reluctant to stand behind is the part were you believe Carrie should have confronted Natasha. The reason is because you never know how a person will react if you are caught in there house. I would imagine the person would already be enraged, so to throw salt on the wound and say something like "big was bored with you", next thing you know you're being profiled on dateline for for a murder mystery,lol just kidding.


Women like Samantha are pretty rare. Younger women might be more reckless, but in general few women in their 40s are all about random sexual thrills.

I know a number of women like Carrie, however. They fall in love with a married man and start an affair, hoping they will leave their wives. And I know married women who have affairs with married men, out of dissatisfaction or unhappiness in their own marriage, while still wanting to maintain the status quo. Perhaps Carrie was more in this category, as she was still involved with Aiden.

But smart single women usually don't waste their time, because married men generally do not leave their wives, especially if they have children.

My single friend had an affair with a married man. His wife found out and ambushed her. She lurked in the bushes one night and sprang out at my friend as she walked up the steps, punched her in the face and broke her nose.


Perhaps Carrie was more in this category, as she was still involved with Aiden.

I always assumed she didn't want to hurt Aiden. I also thought that part of her believed that Big wouldn't leave Natasha, so when Big backtracked she would be left alone.



Yeah, she was fine. But towards the end they turned her character more into a comical, almost cartoonish character (especially the sex scenes started to be more and more over the top with her acting and screaming). And finally in the second movie her character is so cringe-worthy. The lines.....good god. But she had a bit of a fight behind the scenes....so I guess turning her into a brainless, desperate maneater in Sex And The City 2 was done on purpose.

"Pizz on you and pizz on your law!"
- Rubber Duck (Convoy)-

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