MovieChat Forums > Sex and the City (1998) Discussion > Carrie favorite hairstyles

Carrie favorite hairstyles

I like the straight longer hairstyle in season 3, the shoulder length straight hair in season 5 and the darker curly look in the second half of 6.


i love Season 5 hairstyle...esp the shoulder length hair with waves , like when she meets Big in "The Big Journey". Then all of her hairstyles and hairlenghts in season 6...

Before that: I'm just watching season 4 and like this too. I don't think too long hair or too straightened hair looks good on her. I love her voluminous and curly or wavy hair the most :)


The only one I hated was her short haircut. It looked cute when it was layered in the Vogue episode and the episode where Miranda has her baby, but then she chopped off the ends in Season 5 and it just looked really unflattering with her face. Sarah Jessica Parker needs that big fluffy hair to balance out her long nose and face.


I love the straight long hair. But Carrie wouldn't be Carrie without her shoulder length curly mane. It's just Iconic.

Previously known as college dropout kid.
