MovieChat Forums > Sex and the City (1998) Discussion > For many women, dude being bisexual equa...

For many women, dude being bisexual equals dude being gay, PERIOD

For them, once gay, always gay.

Doesn't matter how many girls the dude has bagged or is currently bagging, they would never date him any sooner than they would date any of their gay friends.

I don't think it's prejudice, it's simply drawing a line (of them not wanting to be with a guy who has been with another guy).

Call it old fashioned or prude, it is what it is.

Sure the episode here shows the bisexuals in a pretty bad exaggerated light, but you do have to accept the prominent ones do often give a bad name to the real ones (almost all the famous bisexual women when marrying do end up married to guys, and so do the bisexual guys).


Well it is prejudiced, which is anyone's perogative. Not sure what else your point was. No one is making you date a bisexual man nor did anyone ask you to explain what you think of it, but it is hilarious you are taking your own personal opinion as "the way it is." Believe me, sweetie, you do NOT speak for women at large.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


And what makes you think YOU do?

For I can use your own logic against you and state that you don't either. Starting with Carrie for that matter.

It's not bigotry, it's simply not being willing to be some guy's prop (beard).


What you say is indeed true as far as what I see in our society, but is it right? Idk, can't say I've ever met a women who would date a guy knowing that he has been with or is attracted to other guys. In fact I have never been aware of a genuine bi guy who isn't using the designation as a cover for being flat out gay.


"but is it right?"

Right to whom? Women whom are not into that have as much right as Charlotte or Miranda to pass on what they are not into (say anal), especially with a dude who's so casual and nonchalant about it.

Or are we stating people like Charlotte and Miranda are bigots?

Can't have it both ways, either we have the right to draw lines in our sex lives or we do not (without being shamed/lectured about it).

It's not bigotry, it's simply not being willing to be some guy's prop (beard).


You misunderstood me, My "but is it right" was an open ended question, not necessarily taking a side. I'm not exactly sure why, but we have to admit that bisexual females aren't given a second thought to men, but the other way around is different. What I wrote after that somewhat gives a reason why that may be, I did not intend or hint to call anyone a bigot, the word never even in my post.


I said we, not you, meaning we everybody.


My apologies, I thought you were saying I was suggesting they were bigots.


One of my brother's closest friends is bisexual. He dated men and women during his late teens and into his twenties. He married his long-term girlfriend nearly three years ago. They have one child and another on the way.

You keep on reminding me of a darkness only I can see


So he's a "macho probado"?

You know, in Mexico they call that to guys whom get a taste of gay sex just to see if they're into it.

Knew a guy once whom bragged about his courage (more like recklessness to me) because he was a "macho probado".

Said he was terrified of gays (and of the prospect of him being gay) when younger, so he went out and tasted it.

That in fact, for years, he tasted it 3 times a week, just to convince himself.

And even today, every now and then, he tastes it again. Just to be real sure, before marrying his girlfriend.

I told him to be careful, for that's how you get started...


What the hell? I don't even know what to make of this. Are you joking perhaps?


I wish I were, but if such things sound improbable, you clearly haven't spend much time in Mexican gyms.

Point being, the macho culture in Mexico is paradoxical enough that a (clearly) gay man can somehow fool himself into thinking he's straight (dude's degree of denial is comically absurd) as long as he:
- is always the batter, never the pitcher.
- still get it on with women.


Sure the episode here shows the bisexuals in a pretty bad exaggerated light

It sure did. I'm a gay male and 'spin the bottle' scene was 'spun' in a way to make it seems like bisexuals are freaks. Didn't care for that scene at all.

But bisexuals do exist. They can and do love both sexes and it's not just physical either.

In the case of women dating a bisexual man it probably wouldn't work, be it insecurity or other reasons. Like Carrie, if they date a bi guy, every time the guy looks at another guy there'd be questions.


"But bisexuals do exist. They can and do love both sexes and it's not just physical either."

Yeah, but NOT in equal degree. I've read that most bisexuals have a stronger preference for one gender, so it's never really 50/50.

The bis in this episode are depicted as so 50/50 as to casually wave off any possible wondering of anyone outside their freakshow circle...
