Lupin or Lupon?

How come in the series they call Lupin,Lupawn that dosen't make sense.


Lupin is a french name (He is the grandson of Arsene Lupin, a famous literary Gentleman Burglar). The correct pronunciation of Lupin is something like Loo- as in lunatic or lunar, pah as in PArtisan POlitics or POlygon. And of course the n is just an N sound as in new, neat, nowhere, nobody, nice, etc.... So, the overall pronunciation should be


The Japanese write it as ルパン or Rupan to more closely match the french pronunciation than the spelling itself. Since there are no L's in Japanese and each vowel has a specific pronunciation (a(ah)-e(eh)-i(ee)-o(oh)-u(oo)) they spell it Rupan to match with the french sound of Lupin.

Unfortunately, some dub companies misprounce it. I have heard Loo-pawn with a W sound, close but not quite on the money. I have also heard Loo-pihn as in safety pin. I believe some have also pronounced it Loo-peen. All of those are incorrect. The proper pronunciation is above.
