Anyone else like me?

I saw this movie for the first time years ago when it had just been released on VHS/DVD and I thought it was hysterical. I also have always loved musicals so that aspect of the movie helped me like it tremendously.

However, I wasn't a fan of the show before and I really never got into it since. It's kinda like Star Trek for me: I love the movies but I'm not a fan of the shows. Anyone else feel the same?

Sir Ian McKellen? That dude must be knee-deep in boob.


I know someone whose wife can't stand the show; she likes the film, however.

My dad doesn't like South Park (the show or film), but he liked Team America: World Police. My mom despises it all, but then again, she despises practically everything that can be called "edgy".

I'm a heavy metal maniac.
Metal = best form of music ever
