gay reference?

Did anyone else catch what Gonzo said about having "alien" tendencies...I loved it. I can't believe they put a gay reference in a kid's movie. Of course, a lot of adults watch muppets, I do.


Yes, but it's been confirmed that Gonzo isn't gay. In the Steve Martin episode Gonzo auditions his dancing cheese act. When Kermit seems surprised that the cheese is a female, Gonzo says that dancing with a guy would be weird.


I'm glad someone finally responded to my post.


I´ve seen this movie lots of times, and I can´t recall that part. Am I turning naive? I recall the part about the goat, the dwarf and the jar of peanut butter, tough.


I know, it's been a while since I watched it myself. What's the part about the goat? Maybe I should watch it again, it's not my favorite though, I like the one in New York where they are financing the play.


As I remember there are 2 goat references (!!!!), the one about the remote LOL! (I nearly fell from the couch with this one), and the one when Gonzo is talking about his weird dream and Rizzo asks:

- You mean the one with the goat and the dwarf and the jar of peanut butter?

Pure comedy!

Also, I think there´s a reference about spanking a donkey, but I rather not talk about violence!
