MovieChat Forums > Tokusô sensha-tai Dominion Discussion > Disappointed with Adam Henderson's Al vo...

Disappointed with Adam Henderson's Al voice in New Dominion English dub

I was having myself a Dominion/New Dominion marathon a few nights ago, first time I had sat down & watched it all in years, comparing the different language tracks and all. I have to say, rewatching the English dub of New Dominion, I find that I have always been disappointed with the voice performance Adam Henderson delivered as Al. Now I don't expect Al to sound like James Earl Jones or some other similar baritone speaker, but I don't expect him to sound like a nerd either, which is pretty much how Henderson voiced him throughout much of the English dub, save for a few spots where he seemed to dial his voice down a bit. It didn't feel like a very natural fit for Al. I much preferred Stephen Graf, who voiced Al in the English dub for the original Dominion, his voice was much more normal & natural sounding & fit Al's character design & personality much better, and it's a shame that Graf apparently wasn't available for New Dominion.

It's also a shame that the US Manga casting people couldn't get access to someone like Cam Clarke or George Newbern, both of whom could have undoubtedly done good work with the Al character.

What say you, fellow viewers & Tank Police fans?


Yes siry.
I watched two episodes four days ago, and i was also unpleased with him of all.
To me he sounds to young, and in hes more emotional acts, he screams for king and country. But when he sounds silly, Leona have no problem bieng the tougher character. She alone makes almost the whole series for me.

Maybe they where interested in money first hand. Or where realy rushed.
Some producers wants to produce very quick, and dont care about the quality.

Dawn of the Dead ´78 is the best movie ever.
