This board needs...

... more discussion. This movie needs to be introduced to the young generation.


You've got that right my friend.

THE WARRIORS - #84 - ASC '07


Agreed, as one of the younger generation and a big fan of Harrison and Shankar. These days, over forty years on now, there is still fallout in Bangladesh from the War of Independence. Islamist war criminals from those days were just tried and at least one sentenced to death. There have been protests, social unrest and fighting in the streets over this. Several people have died. I posted another thread with a link to the BBC World News. The conflict, unsurprisingly, is still very much alive there. It continues to impact many people and the story behind this great historic performance should not be forgotten. People in general could do with being more aware of what's happening in other parts of the world.

'Irregardless' is not a word
